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"How was Biology?"

"It went well. Thanks for studying with me, your cue cards really helped."

"Not the song?"

"Oh, believe me, it's been in my head all day."


"Did you just yay?"

"I'm happy for you."


"Oh, stop it."

"No one died though, so I probably won't get full marks."


"Didn't you know? If someone dies during an exam, every participating receives top marks."

"That's an urban myth."


"Anyway. Have you seen the new movie about Martin Luther King?"

"The one with like, this revolution goes on and on?"

"Yeah, the marching on Selma."

"No, I haven't. I'd like to, though. The preview looks cool."

"It does..."


"Yeah. I'm sorry I have to go, I'm meeting someone."

"Be careful."


"Text me later?"

"Sure. Bye, Cam."

"See you, Katherine."
update at 17 comments because i don't know just 'cause.

it brings me a certain level of joy to shock my relatives with reading material and like, they were shocked i was reading the catcher in the rye (for the many damns), and a picture of dorian grey (for opium dens and homosexuality i think) (btw i think possibly milo is gay or not maybe idk I'm disappointed i never developed him more)
like....idk if only they knew the other crap i read (ayy maya!) (um lashton fanfiction smut)
but anyway, it's just kind of funny.

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