91 // part of the family

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"So. You guys are... there." Gabriel says with a comical expression. Cam and I sit on the couch across from him, and hold his entire attention. My legs are curled beneath me and my shoulder rests against his.

"Yes, I told you." Cam says with exaggerated patience, flipping the remote acrobatically in his lap.

"I just couldn't believe it until I saw it. And wow," he shakes his head wonderingly. "Oh, Alex's face is purple now. Thought you'd appreciate."

"Purple?" I am thoroughly confused.

"Would you like something to drink before dinner? Water or apple juice?" Their mother pops over the counter and smiles at me.

"No, thank you."

"So you did it?" Cam asks cryptically.

"Well, I did the talking. Nathaniel did the bashing."


"We defended your honour spectacularly, Katherine. I think you'll be pleased with the result on Monday." Gabriel is extremely pleased with himself, and Cam fails to hide his smile.

"So... when you texted him..."

"That's right."

"Oh," I try not to be happy about that. Really. "Cool."

Gabriel fist pumps, then snatches the remote away from his brother. "Hello, Barca is playing."

I rest my head on his shoulder while they watch soccer, and just about combust when he entwines his fingers with mine and kisses the back of my hand.

Gabriel is watching with raised eyebrows. "Hey, Cam?"

"What, Gabriel?"

"D'you remember the time you teased me about being whipped?" He asks, grinning wide his eyes sparkling like his brother's.

"You'll understand when you're older." Cam tells him with a smirk.

"Oh, you two are just too cute." His mother says from the kitchen as she rolls out pizza dough with the help of Akari and Riel.

"Too cute," Gabriel mimics, and Cam throws a throw pillow at him. Maybe that's where the name comes from.

I LOVE Gabriel. I used to hate him but feelses. I am contemplating a spinoff.

I wrote most of this story on the bus to/from school. Are you at school now? Home sick? Shopping? Comment.

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