56 // brothers

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"Where did Cam disappear to?" His mother says as she lights the birthday cake. I lean against the counter awkwardly instead of watching the Barcelona FC game.

"Um, I'm not sure. He just did."

"Would you go find him? He's probably in his room."

"Sure, okay." I smile at her because it's polite, and follow her directions down the hall and up the stairs to the third floor.

I pause in front of of the blue-painted door when I hear voices on the inside. Similar, brother-voices.

"Could you just give me a straight answer?"

"Could you ask me a straight question?"

"She came with you."

"That's not a question."

"Are you guys together?"

"No... not really"

"Then what the hell is going on, Cam? You claiming her or what? You knew I liked her."

"I like her."


"I don't know. I don't know how to do this."

"Do what?"

"I mean, I'm not in love..."

"Oh, of course not. The great Cambriel will never fall in love."

"Shut up, dweeb."

"Did you seriously just call me a dweeb? But come on, you haven't hit anything in weeks."



"Did you really just..."

"I really just."

"I don't want to talk about her."

"Well could you figure out your shit? Please?"

"She doesn't even like you."


"C'mon, Gabe, you have a girlfriend anyway."

"Whatever. She obviously likes you."


"I'm not saying anything."

"You talk all the damn time."

"Yeah, but I don't say stuff."

"Gabriel... my patience is waning."

"I see you're listening to Mom for once."

"Could you please get out?"

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