Chapter Five

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Lizzy and Atticas continued to glide around the dance floor as the soft, soothing music played, courtesy of the highly skilled band Will had endeavoured to hire. Both of them were content in one anothers arms. As the music slowed to a stop, Atticas looked down at Lizzy and curved his lips up into his infamous smile that charmed all of the ladies as it were, not dissimilar to his older brother Will really. It must run in the family, Lizzy thought to herself only just noticing that he was leaning closer to kiss her. She too began to lean towards him, her eyes closing as she stood her tip toes, anticipating his kiss.

"Atticas, a word please." A familiar, husky voice came from beside the pair, pulling them from their small bubble instantly.

"Will," Atticas growled. "Can you not see that I am otherwise occupied here?" He finished as he turned to face his older brother.

"I said a word, now." Will spoke sternly, his eyes turning to ice as he took a step closer to Atticas.

"I do apologise for my brother's behaviour, Lizzy. I'll be back in a moment," Atticas said, placing a small kiss upon Lizzy's cheek before following his brother outside to the front lawn.

"Well, what was all that about, woman?" Lottie exclaimed as she raced to Lizzy's side.

"I have absolutely no idea," Lizzy replied, her eyes following the brothers as they left the room."

"It's pretty obvious isn't it?" Jessie interjected, popping up behind the two girls as they spoke.

"How so?" Lizzy asked, her attention piqued at Jessie's candid remark.

"Well it's obviouslt about you, Lizzy dear." Jessie grinned.

"Don't be daft!" Lizzy exclaimed, scoffing at the mere suggestion of it. Why on earth would it be about her? she thought to herself.

"Oh my goodness, Lizzy" Lottie said with amazement as to how blind she could be to what was so evidently happening underneath her nose.

"Will is in love with you, you bloody fart," Jessie finished smirking yet again.

"And he's having it out with Atticas because he's jealous - it all makes sense now!" Lottie gasped her eyes widening at the thought.

"Don't be bloody daft! You two are just getting yourselves over excited," Lizzy replied trying to convince herself that what they were saying held no truth in it whatsoever.

"You are in denial woman." Lottie winked, giggling as Jessie agreed.

Just as Lizzy was about to reply to her friends, a commotion was to be heard outside, people rushing towards it to see what was going on.

"What do you think happened?" Lottie exclaimed, her curiosity evident as they began to follow the now crowd of people streaming outside.

Once outside, the girls could see what all the fuss was about.

"Why should I stay away from her man? She's not yours, so why do you care so much?" Atticas shouted to his elder brother who stood only a few feet away from him with a face like thunder and an almost murderous look in his eyes.

"I've warned you, Atticas. Now leave before I do something really stupid," Will snarled back, his stance growing tense and his fists clenching by his sides, ready for conflict.

"Oh my God, you still haven't given me a reason, you bloody idiot. I'm going back into the party to find Lizzy now, if you don't mind," Atticas replied, incredulous of his brother's behaviour.

Without word nor warning, Will reached for his brother's arm, pulling him around to face him before leaning back to get some momentum as he punched Atticas square on his left eye. To which everyone gasped in shock, including Lizzy who watched on as Atticas hunched over in pain nursing his eye with his hands, as Will ran off towards the hedges and gardens to the front of his house, the surrounging area that his family owned being, of course, vast.

Lizzy didn't even think twice about what she did next which was to follow Will into the gardens that were obscured from any view by the precisly trimmed hedges.

"What in the world do you think you are doing, Will?" Lizzy exclaimed as she caught up with him, panting slightly from having to run in order to do so, and especially in heels too.

"What are you doing here?" he snapped, turning to face Lizzy, his eyes still filled with rage.

"Fine then, I'll go," Lizzy replied, a little hurt at his words, although she didn't know why. He always treated her with no respect whatsoever, but for some reason she still cared about him.

"No, Lizzy, wait." Will spoke softly and heaved a heavy sigh as he pulled her to face him gently, leaning his forehead gently against hers, closing his eyes as he did so.

"Will, what are you doing?" Lizzy asked, confused by his erratic behaviour.

"Just," Will began as he opened his eyes and looked into his, "Lizzy," he breathed stroking small circles on her cheeks.

"Will," she said with a questioning tone. "What was all that abo-"

Before she knew what was happening, Will leaned down placing his lips upom hers silencing her from speaking. At first, she resisted but then as his lips grazed hers once more, she gave in and moved her lips along with his. Soon his kisses became more heated, his tongue asking for entry, to which she complied. Will pulled her to sit down on a bench with her on top of his lap, careful not to ruin her dress. His hands travelled down to her waist, gently caressing her sides as he began to pepper small kisses down from her jawline to the follow of her neck. To which Lizzy moaned softly, earning a smile from Will who continued making his way back up to her mouth.

"Will?" A whiny voice called causing the two to pull apart. "Will, baby?" The voice called out again.

"Caroline!" Lizzy gasped as she got up from Will's lap, smoothing down her dress quickly and trying to soft her unruly curls out too, which was as always to no avail.

"Will!" Caroline's whiny voice called out again.

"Coming babe!" Will shouted back looking at Lizzy with a saddness in his eyes.

"Oh, there you are sweetie," Caroline said in her high pitched and overall annoying voice.

"Yeah, I just needed some fresh air and to cool down for a bit, that's all," Will replied accepting her hug and also a kiss on his lips - the lips that had only, mere moments ago, been peppering Lizzy with loads of kisses.

"Come on, let's get you inside," Caroline said as she linked her arm through his and began to walk away.

Will turned his head and looked back to Lizzy once more before leaving her stood by herself, totally dumbfounded as to what had just happened.

Will Darcy really was beginning to become an enigma that just wasn't destined to be solved it seemed.

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