Chapter Seven

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Lizzy closed the door behind her a huge smile creeping onto her face as she slipped off her shoes and made her way to the stairs. 

"Well somebody looks like they had fun tonight" Lizzy's Mum chirped, coming out of the living room, a knowing look on her face. 

"Mum!" Lizzy exclaimed her cheeks blushing as she tried to hide the fact that she was so insanely happy it was unreal, she had finally found a nice lad who wasn't all mysterious and who didn't just use her whenever it suited him, dumping her afterwards for Caroline his fake arse girlfriend who just so happened to be the Queen Bee at school.

"Well I was young once and I can tell the look of young love blossoming into something special" Her Mum replied, winking as she chuckled softly, ruffling her daughters hair.

"Are you drunk or something Mum? You're in an awfully good mood for once" Lizzy asked, smoothing her hair back into place as she eyed her usual mardy and down right annoying Mum, who was actually in a good mood for once. All smiley and happy. It was weird and Lizzy didn't like it, not one bit.

"No of course I'm not young lady!" Her Mum scorned in a more familiar manner for herself "Can't I just be happy for no reason?" She tutted as she began to walk back into the living room "Goodnight Lizzy" Her Mum shouted from the room, before pressing play on whatever rubbish she was watching on TV, it was usually Grand Designs or something equally as boring.

"Goodnight Mum" Lizzy shouted back as she climbed the stairs up to her bedroom.

Upon entering her room she flicked her bedside lamp on, throwing her bag to the floor and her phone onto her bed as she took her clothes off putting them into the washing basket, before picking out one of her most comfiest and most loved pair of pyjamas from her wardrobe. Throwing them on quickly, along with some very fluffy and incredibly soft bed socks on she pulled back her quilt and sank into the soft and warm bed that she adored so much. After all a girl did have the right to be comfy in her own home right. Lizzy thought to herself as she threw her hair up into a messy ponytail, random baby hairs sticking out in all directions, before wiping her makeup off and settling into her pillows. 

Grabbing her phone she saw she had about a million texts from Lottie demanding to know what had happened on the date and if her and Atticas had kissed and all that jazz. The latter ones becoming quite demanding as her friends patience began to wear out. Chuckling at her best friends usual hyper and lets say 'inquisitive' nature she unlocked her phone, clicking on Lottie's text feed sending a reply hastily, not wanting to keep her waiting a moment longer.

"Hey Lottie honey, it went well tonight. In fact it was amazing. And yes we did kiss, and omg Lottie it was so lovely, Atticas is so lovely. I'll ring you tomorrow and fill you in on all the details so that little heart of yours doesn't give out in anticipation. Speak tomorrow, love you lots like jelly tots hon xx "

Within seconds Lizzy's phone beeped signalling a new incoming text, from none other than Lottie it read;

"Omg my heart can't take this gaaah! You'd best ring me tomorrow woman or I'll come round to your house and make you tell me hehe! Goodnight Lizzy bby ;) xx"

"I swear that girl is a chav at heart" Lizzy laughed softly to herself at Lottie's use of the word 'bby' as a term of endearment towards her friend.

Locking her phone and putting it into the 'do not disturb' mode Lizzy settled down in her bed and switched off the light, drifting off to sleep with a smile on her face as she thought of what had happened between her and Atticas.


A soft thumping noise awoke Lizzy from her slumber, sitting up and rubbing her eyes, she reached out for her phone checking the time it read; 2:20am.

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