Chapter Two

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The party was in full swing and all of Lizzy's friends were lost in the throng of drunken bodies that seemed to pulsate along to the beat of the incredibly loud music that was emanating from somewhere in the living room.

Lizzy's head was beginning to throb and her eye lids were becoming incredibly droopy, which was most probably due to the fact that she had consumed quite a lot of alcohol during the past few hours, more so than she normally would have, but people just kept on handing her drinks, of what she did not know. She just accepted them gracefully and thought to herself 'Why not?' 'It is the Summer Leavers' party after all', and plus those at Pemberly Estate could afford it all anyway right?' Furthermore, Lizzy thought in a posh accent to go with her surroundings, or so her drunken brain thought anyway. All of this, the party, the food, the drinks, were all being paid for by non other than Will Darcy and his incredibly wealthy parents, who just so happened to own Pemberly Academy, obviously. 'So what the heck' Lizzy grinned to herself 'Lets waste as much of his money as we possibly can, 'the sanctimonious ba***ard.'

However despite wanting to do so, oh so very much indeed, she felt the pull of tiredness dragging her down, causing her to stumble slightly, catching herself at the last moment against the door frame that led to the living room, where she was sure she had seen her best friend, and who was supposed to be sharing a taxi home with her. Lizzy elbowed her way through the crowd searching for her petite best friend.

Only she didn't have to search for very long, as directly in front of her stood, well swayed her best friend to put it better, as she danced upon the table top, earning both cheers, and leers from some older and incredibly creepy lads. Drink didn't appear to sit well with her best friend very well either it seemed.

"Lottie!" Lizzy bellowed at the top of her lungs, which due to the booming music that seemed to thud within her chest, was drowned out leaving her stood there feeling like a complete and utter nincompoop. 'Did I actually just think that word?' Lizzy thought to herself, giggling slightly, which caused a few people to turn and stare, to whom she just smiled at happily, before waving and teetering towards her best friend. Who was still dancing upon the table with a large bottle of what seemed to be beer in her hand, which due to her drunken dancing was sloshing about all over the place, hitting the lads who stood around her, who were most likely looking up her skirt.

Lizzy upon reaching Lottie looked up and shouted once more, this time hoping that she would actually hear her. To this Lottie looked down and because her balance wasn't very good at that moment in time, she almost tumbled off the table and right into one of the many young fellows, 'Seriously have I suddenly turned into a posh person now that I'm drunk?' Lizzy pondered before placing her hands onto Lottie's waist, catching her before she reached the ground.

"Why hello there stranger" Lottie giggled, pinching Lizzy's nose with just a little too much pressure.

"Lottie" Lizzy began before Lottie lurched forwards pulling Lizzy with her towards the kitchen, for more drinks Lizzy assumed.

"Where have you been all night darling Lizzy of mine?" Lottie exclaimed highly amused at the posh accent that she was attempting to put on. Obviously the drink had sent her loopy as well then. 'No more drinks for her tonight, or in fact ever' Lizzy thought to herself.

"Well for at least the past half an hour, I've been looking for you Lottie dearest" Lizzy imitated her, stopping to face her best friend, who seemed to be swaying slightly, whether it was to the music, or in fact just because she was so drunk she could no longer stand up straight. Lizzy was going to go with the latter of the two.

Lizzy knew that she wanted to go home, and that she needed to take Lottie with her too, however being as though Lottie's house came after Lizzy's  and due to the fact that both her and Lottie were a little 'merry' shall we say,  she didn't want to leave Lottie in the taxi alone. Girls had to look out for each other you know. That would mean her having to ask somebody else, preferably one of her friends who were already 17 and not the babies in the year like the two of them were to give them a lift.  However finding somebody who hadn't had a drink at the party was going to prove very difficult, 'Very difficult indeed', Lizzy mumbled underneath her breath. Then suddenly Lizzy had an idea.

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