Chapter Fifteen.

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Hello my lovelies,

So this is it, the last chapter of this story. It's been three years in the making and it all started with an English school project. I'm glad I carried it on and finished it, there has been laughter, tears, and all together love when writing this story. I hope you have enjoyed reading it and to everybody that has ever read, commented, voted etc. on this story I thank you from the bottom of my heart; it means a lot, honestly. I know a lot of people say that but it truly does. Your feedback makes me smile so much it's unreal, and it also helps me to become a better writer for both myself and you guys reading it.

Anyhoo rambling over I promise hehe!

As always, Happy Reading!

Sarah x


A few weeks had passed since the ever fateful barbecue had taken place; and as summer drew to a close Lizzy had finally begun to feel better again. Besides it was the 'End of Summer' beach party that night and Lizzy was beside herself with excitement. Everyone loved the 'End of Summer' party because not only was it their last night of freedom before school started again in September, but it was always 'epic' as Lottie liked to call it; this being because the Darcy's held it and being as though they were incredibly rich, no expense was spared. Literally none. Plus, it always had a theme, this year it was' Vintage Va Va Voom' which meant cute fifties inspired bikinis and hoop skirts galore. It was right up Lizzy's street as she loved all things vintage, Lottie on the other hand was not so impressed with this year's theme.
"Vintage? Vintage, who do they think we are, our Grandmas? I want to wear this year's greatest trends, not a bloomin' blast from the past" Lottie grumbled from her place on Lizzy's bed.
"Oh for goodness sake Lottie, it's not that bad. I quite like the idea" Lizzy replied, holding up her new fifties styled dress, admiring it in the mirror.
"You would" Lottie rolled her eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean missy?" Lizzy retorted, turning round to face her best friend.
"Nothing, just that you like all that vintagey stuff. Plus, it suits you really well" Lottie rambled trying to save her arse.
"Hmm nice save" Lizzy replied laughing slightly at her friend's usual antics.
"I do try" Lottie flicked her hair over her shoulder to emphasise her point,
"Come on you, we've got a party to get ready for" Lizzy chucked a dress at Lottie who stuck her tongue out before changing into said dress; all the while making faces to show her displeasure for it, which only made Lizzy laugh that little bit more.


"Oh look there's Georgiana, I didn't know she was going to be here" Lottie exclaimed as her and Lizzy arrived at the beach, towels and swimsuits at the ready.
"She's probably invited being as though she's Will's sister" Lizzy replied, holding back from going onto the beach, not wanting to bump into Will again. Although she knew it was inevitable.
"Oh yeah" Lottie replied, slapping her hand against her forehead as she pulled Lizzy towards the beach "Duh, silly me. Now come on let's partaaaay!" She shouted as she ran onto the beach, waving her hands in the air as she went.
"Oh Lottie" Lizzy laughed to herself as she followed suit. At least with Lottie by her side it would make everything feel a little bit easier.

"Lizzy over here!" Georgiana bellowed over the music, motioning for her to join herself and Lottie.
"Hey Georgiana" Lizzy smiled as she reached the pair "I love your dress" She complimented,
"Oh thanks, it's not half as nice as yours though, I love the skirt on it, it's so lush" Georgiana replied.
"Aww thanks Georgiana it's called a hoop skirt, makes me think of hoola hoops2 Lizzy joked relaxing a little bit.
"Oh Lizzy you don't half make me laugh" Georgiana giggled along with Lizzy and Lottie
"I do try" Lizzy laughed, her mood lightening. Only for it to be crushed moments later when the voice she did not want to hear ever again burst her happy little bubble.

"Well you're seriously trying too hard in that dress, the theme is Vintage not ancient" Caroline said snidely from behind Lizzy, Will by her side as he always was as of late.
"Oh just give it a rest will you Caroline. I'm just trying to enjoy the party" Lizzy snapped back, finally having enough of Caroline's shit.
"Oooh, the bsb has an attitude now does she? That means 'boyfriend stealing bitch' by the way" Caroline took a step towards Lizzy, her face practically set in her signature snarl.
"That's enough Caroline!" Will exclaimed, attracting a few glances from the people who were stood near them.
"Excuse me?" Caroline asked dumfounded
"You heard me. That's enough Caroline, leave Lizzy alone!" Will snapped
"Have you forgotten who you're talking to Will dear?" Caroline smiled a menacing smile as she closed in on Will.
"No Caroline I haven't I'm just sick of you pushing everyone around, including me" Will retorted.
"I'll just have to tell everyone your little secret then won't I?" Caroline spat back at Will, venom filling her words, again people looked, intrigued by the whole situation, especially Will's 'little secret' as Caroline had put it.
"Do you know what Caroline go ahead I don't really care anymore, I'm sick of you trying to control me and everyone I care about. Especially Lizzy" Will said as he walked over to Lizzy's side to show his solidarity with her.
"Fine then I will. Everyone gather round and turn that stupid bloody music off. I have something important to tell you all!" Caroline bellowed so that everyone could hear her. Surely enough the music was shut off and everybody gathered round. As usual Caroline had scared everyone into following her orders.

"In fact Caroline step aside I will tell everybody my 'little secret'" Will paraphrased Caroline as he stepped up onto a log so that everyone could see him. To which her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, she had not expected him to speak out against her.
"What Caroline was going to tell you all is that Atticas is not my brother, he is in fact my half-brother. My Mother had an affair many years ago and as a result of this Atticas came along" Will paused to let that sink in as everyone gasped and began whispering to one another about this newfound information. "We never told anyone before because my parents didn't want to bring shame upon the family name, but I don't want to blackmailed by Caroline anymore. She makes me sick, she just scares people into agreeing with her. Nobody is really her friend" He said eyeing her up as she stood there seething, steam practically coming out of her ears. "So on my head be it. I want to be with Lizzy and so I will, if anybody has a problem with that then I don't really care. Thank you, enjoy your night everyone" Will finished jumping down from the log to join Lizzy once more; taking her petite hand within his own and giving it a gentle squeeze as a sign of reassurance.
"Go Will!" A random person shouted out which started off a huge round of applause and whooping from everyone at the party.

"You didn't have to do that Will" Lizzy said, her cheeks blushing ever so slightly as she turned to face him.
"Yes I did Lizzy. I want to be with you, nobody else. And I wasn't going to let Caroline jeopardise that any longer." Will replied, pulling her in gently by the waist.
"Now Miss Bennett will you do me the honour of dancing with me?" Will asked, a small smile playing out on his lips as he did so.
"Why yes Mr Darcy I will do so happily" Lizzy replied feeling so happy she could burst.
"I've missed you y'know" Will said softly as they swayed in time to the music.
"I've missed you too" Lizzy replied, blushing again
"Your cute when you blush" Will grinned as he leaned in slightly
"Oh really now?" Lizzy replied
"Yes really now" Will said as he brushed his lips against hers every so softly she almost didn't feel it. It still gave her butterflies though, and made her feel like she could fly she was that happy. As they danced to the music Lizzy rested her head on Will's shoulder while he held her close, never wanting to let go, ever again.


"Now that you two are together, I'll third wheeling it everywhere like a sad cat lady." Lottie heaved a heavy sigh as she stood with the newly formed couple.
"No you won't Lottie" Lizzy replied "In faaact" She drawled as she spotted Atticas, tapping him on the shoulder causing him to turn around and face Lizzy; "Have you met Lottie?" Lizzy said, shoving Lottie towards him gently.
"How I met your Mother?" Will chuckled softly as Lizzy rejoined him.
"Oh Elizabeth Bennett what am I to do with you?" Will put on a posh voice as he pulled Lizzy closer once more.
"I think the question is what am I going to do with you William Darcy?" Lizzy replied giggling softly as Will cupped her face gently and placed his lips upon her own; before picking her up and swaying her round as their favourite song came on and they joined everybody on the makeshift dancefloor to dance the night and all of their worries away.

The End.  

For now...

My Mr DarcyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ