Chapter Thirteen

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This chapter is dedicated to my amazing and wonderful friend Adiba who does so much for me and has done for many years now; I cannot repay you everything that you've done so this is a little try at doing that. Love ya x


Will had just seen 'the post' on Facebook, he couldn't believe that Caroline had gone so far as to to sneak up to his hospital room door and snap a picture of him and Lizzy, all so that she could try and make Lizzy look bad. No doubt it was also some sort of ploy to get him back. Well she had another thing coming if she thought that he was going to oblige, to put it politely. He would much rather stick pins in his eyes than go out with that whiny bitch, never again he thought to himself, never again.

Lizzy, what about sweet innocent Lizzy he thought as he scrolled through the comments left on the post. She would never hurt even a fly, and didn't deserve any of this, not at all. The hurtful, no hateful was a better word to describe the comments being said about her were so vile and unforgiving it was almost painful to read. And all for what? So that Caroline could remain 'Queen Bee' and try to have everything she wanted with no thought whatsoever for other people.

Will grabbed his phone from his bedside table and dialled Lizzy's number, after a few rings a very timid voice answered;


"Oh Lizzy, I'm so sorry, I just read Caroline's post and I have to say I can't believe how low she's gone this time. We can work through this together, I promise I won't let anything happen to you" Will finished, hoping that his words at least gave her some comfort.

"I don't think we should see one another again Will, I'm sorry. I have to go now" Lizzy replied, her voice wavering slightly as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"No Lizzy wait! We've done nothing wrong!" Will exclaimed, not wanting to lose her, not now after how long it had taken them both to finally realise that they were perfect for one another.

"How can you say that Will?" Lizzy shouted, taking him by surprise as she was usually so quiet and calm, "We have hurt your brother terribly. We hadn't even told him, so he thought that me and him were still on track, he came by here earlier this evening and he was crushed Will. I just can't do this anymore. Goodbye Will" Lizzy cut the line off just as the tears that had gathered within her eyes began to fall, leaving Will sat staring at his phone.


A few days passed and Will was ready to be discharged from hospital to go home and rest. Lizzy so far had not answered any of his countless phone calls and text messages, she was even getting her sisters to lie for her whenever he rang her house phone, saying she was out or busy. He heaved a heavy sigh as he climbed into his Mum's car, as she put his things into the back before setting off to drive home.

"Mum stop here please" Will said as they neared Lizzy's driveway.

"We have to get you home for some rest Will" His Mum replied, her worry evident in her whole demeanour.

"I'll only be two minuets, I promise" I just want to see Lizzy. Mum, please?" He pleaded, hoping she would relent,

"Okay fine, just be quick" She sighed giving in after a few minuets of Will just staring at her with his best 'puppy eyes' face.

Will climbed out of the car and hobbled his way to Lizzy's front door, in hope that after seeing him she would give in, and everything could get back to the way it was before and how he wanted it to be also. He knocked on the door a few times and waited nervously for an answer. A few moments later the door opened to reveal Mary Lizzy's most tolerable sister, or so Will thought anyway, she wasn't as excitable as Lydia and Kitty.

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