Chapter Eight

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Lizzy turned over mumbling incoherently as she blinked the sleep slowly from her eyes. She raised her hand to move a stray curl away, only to find that she couldn't move her arm as it was entwined with something, something warm. Lizzy shot her eyes open, only to find that she was facing a rather cute looking Will, who was currently fast asleep, his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close to his chest, giving her hardly any room to move. Lizzy couldn't complain though, after getting over the initial shock of finding him laying next to her in bed when she had awoken, she found that she rather quite liked being snuggled in his arms. What is happening to me? Lizzy thought to herself as she rested her head back onto Will's chest, savouring the moment. 

Just as Lizzy was beginning to dose off again, she heard her Mum begin to stir, her Mum, she couldn't know Will had stayed the night in her room.
"Shit" She mumbled to herself before nudging Will softly in an attempt to wake him up. When this didn't work she flicked him on the nose, which caused him to snort in a rather undignified way and curse underneath his breath, pulling her closer to his chest in an instinctive way. 
"Will" Lizzy squeaked, their noses touching as she spoke.
"Why did you flick me on my nose?" He replied, his voice still clouded with sleep.
"My Mum is getting up and if she comes in here and sees you in bed with me she will go mental!" Lizzy whisper shouted to emphasise her point.
"Oh right shit sorry, I'll just get my stuff an-" Will began before being cut off by Lizzy dunking his head underneath the covers, shoving him underneath so that he was fully hidden, just before Lizzy's Mum opened the door.

"Morning sleepy head, I'm going out shortly with one of my friends so could you please clean the house up and make sure that your sisters don't run riot whilst I am gone please?" Her Mum said cheerily, she was always this happy in a morning, not groggy and grumpy like Lizzy herself was. Goodness knows why, mornings are horrible. Lizzy thought to herself as she looked up at her Mum from, trying to ignore the fact that Will was making circles on her thigh from his hiding place underneath her covers.
"Yeah sure Mum, have fun with your friend. See you later" Lizzy said almost through gritted teeth, her temperature rising and her heartbeat quickening as Will's hands drew further up her thigh.
"Okay honey, bye be good!" Lizzy's Mum closed the door behind her as she left the room.

"What the heck do you think you're doing Will?" Lizzy exclaimed, pulling back her covers to reveal a very cute looking Will, who was smirking up at her, his hand still resting on her leg as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Are you saying you didn't like it Lizzy?" Will's smirk grew bigger as he began to make patters on her leg, his eyes never once leaving her own.
"Will" Lizzy said her voice getting higher as his hands did the same"
"Yes Lizzy dearest?" Will chuckled as he shifted his weight so that his face was mere centimetres from her own, their lips almost touching.
"Erm, erm" Lizzy stuttered, unable to utter a word as he inched even closer, wrapping his arm around her waist once again, pulling her towards him again.
"What's that Lizzy? I didn't quite catch that" He chuckled softly as she rolled her eyes 
"William Darc-" She began before will crashed his lips onto her own, nipping her bottom lip gently, which caused her to moan softly into his mouth. This only spurred him on even more, and he rolled her gently onto her back, leaning over her as he did so. He travelled his kisses down from her lips to her neck, and then down to her collar bone. Stopping there as he looked up at her, his eyes all hazed over and his lips swollen slightly from her kisses.
"You really are beautiful Lizzy do you know that?" He said softly, entwining his fingers through hers, before placing a soft kiss on her forehead before laying down next to her.

After a few moments of stunned silence Lizzy broke it to ask a very important question that had been bugging her all night and she just needed to get the answer to it.
"Will?" Lizzy tested the waters as they lay there together 
"Hmm?" Will mumbled against her side
"W-why did you keep saying 'Roses' to me last night?" Lizzy released the breath she had been holding as she finally asked him what she had been dying to know all night.
"What?" Will snapped his eyes open suddenly, sitting up as he did so "I kept saying that to you last night?" He questioned, his tone surprised. 
"Well y-yeah. I mean you were pretty drunk, but you kept saying 'Roses' to me before you drifted off to sleep. It probably doesn't mean anything but I was just wondering why you kept saying it" Lizzy rambled on nervously.
"Lizzy" Will said softly, just as one of Lizzy's sisters shouted from downstairs;
"Lizzy Atticas is here for you"...

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