Chapter Three

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Hi guys,

So sorry it's been so long since I last updated this story, I've just been so busy, what with college and work so yeaaah.

Oh and I also apoligise that this chapter is kinda short it's basically just a filler before all of the really juicy and interesting stuff happens.

Oh and get ready for some more Lizzy and Will scenes coming your way soon eeep!;D

Please enjoy and feel free to comment if you would like too, feedback is always welcome:)

Love always,

Sarah xx

As Lizzy slowly came around from her slumber, rubbing her eyes softly, the last remnants of her dream leaving her, she suddenly remembered what had happened the previous night. Everything coming to her in one sudden flash. Will, Lottie, and oh Will.

“Oh bloody hell” Lizzy muttered underneath her breath, a sigh of exasperation leaving her mouth as she rubbed her eyes once more, before turning over and reaching for her phone, which upon clicking and looking at, she found it had been bombarded with messages, texts, and also a few missed calls from her friends.

“Oh bloody hell” Lizzy muttered to herself again, throwing her hand to her head as she begun to think of replying to the messages from her curious friends.

“Good morning” Lottie exclaimed happily as she bounded into Lizzy's room holding a tray filled with tea and toast for the two of them.

“Morning” Lizzy said sceptically as she eyed up Lottie who seemed way too happy and bouncy, considering the amount of alcohol she had consumed the previous night.

“Well now what's that tone for now Missy?” Lottie asked cheerily as she placed the tray onto the bedside table before climbing in beside Lizzy.

“Well shouldn't you be almost dying from a diabolical hangover?” Lizzy replied

“Turns out I don't really get hangovers, thank goodness” Lottie giggled and winked at her best friend.

“Oh lucky you woman” Lizzy groaned, which only caused the headache that was banging against her skull to intensify by what felt like a million times.

“Well what can I say I’m special” Lottie winked playfully, trying to cheer her up. Although she had never suffered from a hangover, Lottie had migraines all the time so she fully sympathised with Lizzy's situation.

“Yeah you got that right” Lizzy grinned “You Lottie dear are very special indeed” She said, air quoting the word special just to emphasise her point even more so.

“Hey!” Lottie pouted, doing her infamous puppy dog face that she used whenever she wanted to get her own way.

“Yes Lottie dear, you are incredibly special, but in a good way” Lizzy replied amused at her friends immaturity at times, it was endearing not annoying so she could deal with it.

“Yay I knew I’d win” Lottie said doing a little victory dance, to which Lizzy laughed joining in when her phone suddenly buzzed again, notifying her that Jessie one of her friends from school had messaged her again, about non other than Will Darcy it seemed. However this time it had a link attached to it.

“Whose that from? It's been going off all morning” Lottie asked curiously as she peered over Lizzy's shoulder.

“Jessie, she's sent me a link on Facebook, it's something to do with Will” Lizzy replied as she locked her phone.

“Well aren't you going to open it Lizzy woman?” Lottie practically screamed

“No I am not Lottie woman” Lizzy reiterated Lottie's words, jutting her chin out stubbornly.

“And just why is that now Missy?” Lottie questioned her best friend who seemed intent on ignoring anything that was even remotely related to Will Darcy.

“I just don't feel like reading the messaged yet Lottie okay?” Lizzy uncharacteristically snapped at Lottie, turning to face the other way.

“Well we all know what happened between the two of you last night Lizzy. Especially me since I was in your bed whilst he was in here and when he said goodbye.” Lottie spat back.

“I thought you were dead to the world” Lizzy retorted

“I still heard some of it Lizzy dear” Lottie said sarcastically

“Oh really now? Then what happened?” Lizzy questioned

“Well Will brought us both home, and then I collapsed in bed, and whilst I was half asleep he told how amazing he thought you were and then you almost kissed but I stopped you before you could. Lottie recounted the previous nights events to Lizzy in almost perfect detail.

“Why did you stop us from kissing anyway?” Lizzy questioned as she turned to face Lottie,

“Because Will Darcy is a player who doesn't deserve you, and we all know it Lizzy” Lottie replied just as her phone beeped.

“Who is it?” Lizzy asked

“Jessie” Lottie replied

“Oh, what's she saying?” Lizzy asked curiously.

After a few moments of silence Lizzy sat up and faced Lottie whose face was set in a state of shock, her eyes widened and her face slightly ashen in colour.

“Lottie what is it?” Lizzy asked wanting to know instantly what had caused her best friend to react in such a way.

“Oh, uhm, it's, it's nothing” Lottie fumbled over her words as she hid her phone by her side.

“Lottie there is obviously something wrong, now tell me, please?” Lizzy said, the concern in her voice evident as she spoke.

“I really don't think you want to know” Lottie replied, her eyes flickering towards her phone briefly which she tried to cover up by rubbing her eyes and yawning as if she were trying rub the last remnants of sleep away. However Lizzy still saw the involuntary movement and was eager to find out what it was that was troubling Lottie so much, and also just why she was intent on hiding it from her.

“Fine then” Lizzy snapped “It was something to do with that message from Jessie though wasn't it?” She said just as her phone beeped, alerting her that she had a Facebook message from on other than Jessie. She reached for her phone, unlocking it and going onto Facebook, to see what Jessie's message to her said.

“Lizzy don't go on Facebook!” Lottie exclaimed, before reaching over to grab Lizzy;s phone before she could read what she most definitely didn't want to, and what had shocked Lottie so much.

“And why shouldn't I now Lottie dearest?” Lizzy said in a mocking voice as she pulled her phone back towards herself.

“Because...” Lottie began

“Because what Lottie?” Lizzy asked as she began to look down at her phone once again..

“Lizzy please don-” Lottie began but never got to finish because Lizzy had already looked at her phone and just as Lottie's face had, Lizzy;s dropped too.

“Oh that's why you didn't want me to look” Lizzy said, her voice so soft and timid that it was almost inaudible.

“Lizzy I'm so so sorry sweetheart” Lottie said, placing a comforting hand onto her shoulder. To which Lizzy just continued to stare blankly at her phone screen, her face motionless, not displaying any of the pain and anguish that was washing over her in crashing waves that felt like they would drown her, and right at that moment in time, she didn't care if they did or if they didn't.

Lizzy's phone displayed her Facebook news feed, the first post being one that had already gained hundreds of likes from people from both her school and Will's. It read;

'Will Darcy is now in a relationship with Caroline Bingley”

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