Chapter Four

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Hi guys (to anyone who actually reads this story anyway haha) I am so terribly sorry that I haven't updated in a while, I just lost the will and also the passion to write for a while. I am sure that if you have ever dabbled in writing in your life, or are indeed a keen writer then you will know this feeling and how hard it is to pull yourself out of it and actually put some words onto paper.

Anyhoo here is the next chapter, it's kind of a filler, in fact no it is a filler haha, however it's just a chapter to lead us onto more interesting and exciting things, mainly inlcuding a love triangle and more drama. Okay ima shush now before I start rambling and give you more clues and spoil the story hehe;D

Oh and finally I really do apoligse for any spelling or grammar mistakes, or just mistakes in general my darlings, I was just so eager to get the next chapter out there ;D

Love always,

Sarah x

Summer had officially started and Lizzy was revelling in the season and all it had to offer, mainly because it was her favourite of them all, but also, and obviously, because there was no more school for six blissful weeks. Six blissful weeks of late mornings, lazy pj days, and most importantly free days. Free days that she could do with as she pleased, most of which consisted of either lounging around on one of her said pj days, or going out with her friends. Of course the summer also had plenty of upcoming parties that Lizzy was in the most part not looking forward too, this being because Will Darcy and his new girlfriend, the most popular and also the most pretty girl at Pemeberly Academy would be attending most, if not all of them.. However Lizzy still had to attend them as her friends seemed to think that if one did not attend the summer parties, then one would lose their social status. Or so Lottie had put it whilst mimicking a high society snob from the 19th century. And so Lizzy, much to her dismay had to find some party worthy outfits, glam herself up and attend all the upcoming summer soirée's that had been organised for the next six weeks. The most imporant of which was that night, and it was at none other than Will Darcy's house. As per usual Lizzy was being 'pampered', or more like attacked by Lottie, and also Jessie, who had joined them for the 'getting ready' stage of their night.

"Do I really have to wear this much makeup to a garden party Lottie?" Lizzy groaned as Lottie jabbed at her face with the blusher brush for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Yes Lizzy you do!" Lottie exclaimed, feigning shock, "One must always look her best when attending a soiree of whatever kind, in order to attract eligible suitors" Lottie said, putting on her snooty voice, yet again.

"Lottie you do realise that we aren't in the 19th century anymore and so we don't look for suitors, and also that you are not a high society snob, you are just a normal teenage girl" Lizzy replied as she parted her lips in order for Lottie to adorn her lips with lipstick. That evenings shade being a rich crimson red.

"Hey! A girl can dream can't she?" Lottie replied winking

"Well I think that I'm going to get us all a drink" Jessie chirped up from her place on Lizzy's dressing table chair, "Might help to calm us all down a bit" She laughed softly as she got up to leave

"Good idea!" Lizzy shouted after her giggling as she did so.

"Right, now it's just time do put your heels on and your outfit is complete" Lottie squealed excitement prominent in every word that she spoke.

"Yaaaaay" Lizzy said sarcasm dripping from her words

"I think you look gorgeous Lizzy babe" Jessie added just as Lizzy placed her skyscraper heels on and turned to face the mirror.

Lizzy's eyes widened with what faced her in her reflection. Her usually unruly curls had been tamed and were arranged elegantly upon her head in a 1930's style chignon, which complemented her dress, of which was a deep burgundy colour that flowed to just above her knee, the intrecate lace patterns that were upon it shimmering in the light as she moved. All coupled with a pair of black patent court shoes, simple yet elegant as Lottie had put it.

"Just perfect" Lottie beamed happy with her work, and also her friends reaction, she deserved to both look and feel beautiful. After all she needed the confidence boost after the knock of finding out that Will Darcy was now going out with Charles' terribly annoying little sister Caroline Bingley. No matter how nice Charles was, nothing nice could be said about his annoying little brat of a sister, what with her bleached blonde hair and her pinched up nose, that she turned up at practically everyone, she was quite the undesirable mite. However so was also the most popular undesirable mite that everyone drooled over at school, it was sickening.

"Yes my darling it is" Jessie chimed "Now come on we are going to be late" She said as she linked her arm through both Lizzy and Lottie's and lead them towards Lottie's Mum's car, she always offered to pick them up and drop them off at places bless her she was a lovely woman, she had always been a like a second Mum to her Lizzy thought to herself as they climbed into the back of the car.


As they walked through the tall gates of Will Darcy's house, or more like stately home that was so large it commanded the area around it, Lizzy gasped at the beauty of it's tall stone walls and it's large windows that were almost as big as the doors, of which were made from the heaviest and oldest oak, giving the house even more character. As for the gardens, well they were also spectacular, the bursts of colour's given by the vast array of flowers, complemented the neatly groomed grass that surrounded the house.

"I know it's beautiful right?" Lottie commented, her eyes widening as they walked up the long pebbled driveway

"It may be beautiful, but walking on these bloody pebbles in these heels is just about killing me here" Jessie complained as she teetered over the many pebbles that lead up to the house.

"Only you could say that Jessie" Lottie laughed as they all sped up to get into the house quicker.

Upon entering the house they were presented with a drink and were escorted outside to the patio area where everyone was gathered and also where the music was coming from.

"Wow a live band, they went all out on this one" Jessie exclaimed as she looked round

"Well they can afford it Jessie" Lottie winked causing the pair to giggle

All the while Lizzy was looking around her in total awe, the whole Darcy household was just so beautiful she couldn't describe it. The whole time she was being admired by a certain somebody, and it wasn't Will as he was somewhere talking to one of his friends. However this person was just as important and popular as Will was, in fact he was a lot like Will in many ways.

"Oh my actual Gosh!" Lottie squealed hitting Lizzy on the arm causing her to jump

"What? What is it Lottie?" Lizzy asked confused

"Will Darcy's incredibly hot brother Atticas is coming over, and he's looking at you" Lottie replied nearly wetting herself with the excitement.

"Oh my Gaaaawd that boy is FINE!" Jessie imitated an American accent

"Good evening ladies" Atticas bowed slightly as he took each of their hands and kissed them gently on the back, just like a gentleman that Lottie always fantasised about.

"Why hello" Jessie interjected before anybody else could say anything

"You all look lovely tonight, but I actually came over here to steal Lizzy away for a dance" Atticas replied moving around Jessie, holding out his hand for Lizzy to take.

"Oh my gosh this is just like a novel" Lottie whispered as she fanned herself dramatically

"I'll bring her back in one piece ladies, don't worry" Atticas smiled charmingly as he lead a rather dazed Lizzy away to the dance floor.

"Your friends are quite something aren't they?" He chuckled as he took Lizzy into the proper dance hold

"I uhm I can't really dance. Well not properly anyway" Lizzy stuttered over her words as the song changed to a slow one

"I'll lead you" Atticas smiled down at Lizzy, a small glint in his eye as the began to lead her around the dance floor. As they danced Lizzy relaxed a little and leaned into his inviting touch. Many eyes watched them as they danced together, the other couples on the dance floor moving out of their way giving them to dance more freely as they owned the floor. One important pair of eyes locking onto the pair with an intensity burning in them with such passion if anybody looked into them they would have to look away instantly. That person being none other than Atticas' older brother Will Darcy.

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