Chapter Nine.

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Sorry for any spelling or grammatical errors I just wanted to get it out there as quickly as possible haha :D I will get my friend to go over it and edit any out so until then just ignore them and enjoy my loves :)

Sarah x


"You are joking me right?" Lizzy sighed in exasperation turning towards Will at the same time. "Look I'm going to have to go downstairs Will I'm sorry" She apologised knowing it wasn't really enough.

"Just go" Was all Will said in response not quite meeting her eyes as he spoke.

"For goodness sake" Lizzy sighed yet again, "Why of all times did Atticas have to turn up now? I'll be back soon okay just wait here?" She muttered to him as she jumped out of bed running her fingers through her hair quickly before throwing her dressing gown on and racing downstairs before her Mum shouted up again; she tended to do it a lot even when Lizzy had replied to her. Parents eh? Lizzy thought to herself as she reached the bottom of the stairs to be greeted by a beaming Atticas and all of her sisters giggling and gawking at the scene that was playing out in front of them.

"Good morning Lizzy" Atticas smiled again, gosh does her ever stop smiling? Lizzy thought to herself, for some reason the thought of spending time with him made her feel annoyed and not happy like it once did; and all because of the ever confusing and elusive Will Darcy whose recent actions and affections had confused the heck out of her. Which brother did she go for now? Oh great a love triangle Lizzy inwardly rolled her eyes, and with brothers too, it might as well be The bloomin' Vampire Diaries...

"Lizzy are you going to reply to Atticas or just stand there with that silly dazed look you do upon your face?" Lizzy's Mother interjected snapping at her daughter who had just stood there in silence for the past few moments as she had an inner monologue with herself.

"Oh right yeah sorry, Morning Atticas" Lizzy replied blushing a little, embarrassed that she has just stood there like a bit of an idiot. Great look for you there Lizzy love.

"I was thinking that we could go for a walk to the park?" Atticas asked that smile still plastered on his face.

"Oh right erm yeah sure, that sounds lovely" Lizzy replied "I'll just go and get dressed quickly, I'll be about 10 minuets just wait in the living room for me" She told him eager to get back upstairs to

"Oh yes okay then, righto I'll just wait in there then, see you soon" Atticas fumbled over his words, he wasn't quite sure why she was being weird with him but he knew she was, and he didn't quite know how to react.

Lizzy bounded upstairs into her bedroom;

"Look Will Atticas is has asked me to go for a walk to the pa-" Lizzy began before noticing that he wasn't there anymore. He had in fact left through the window it seemed, leaving her a note on her pillow.

She walked over to her bed picking it up, it simply read;

See you around


"Oh for fuck sake" Lizzy cursed underneath her breath "I so do not need this drama in my life right now not just as we are leaving school and shit" She threw the note down onto the floor in anger, before rushing to get dressed and make herself look at least presentable.


Once dressed Lizzy joined Atticas downstairs once again.

"You ready then Atticas?" Lizzy asked as she poked her head through the living room door.

"Oh, right, yes come on then" Atticas beamed at her again, but instead of giving her butterflies as it always had before it make her feel quite uneasy this time because of her present situation which just so happened to involve his brother.

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