Chapter Fourteen.

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Only one more chapter left now my darlings, whatever will happen? You'll just have to wait and see... Hehe ;D

Happy reading as always!

Sarah x


 "We're having a barbecue this weekend and we have invited the Darcy's, we thought it would be an ample opportunity of thanking Will for his help with our Lydia here, didn't we darling?" Lizzy's Mum turned to her husband smiling as she told her daughters their plans. "Oh yes, yes indeed it is a marvellous idea" Mr Bennett muttered as he looked up from his newspaper only half hearing what his wife had said.
"So you all need to be on your best behaviour, we don't need any mishaps that will show us up in front of the Darcy's" Mrs Bennett stated, looking at each of her daughters with her most stern instruction giving look, which actually just made her look constipated but mores the pity and all that.

Whilst her Mum had been rabbiting on Lizzy had been sat there, her heart racing and her palms sweating at the mere thought of having to see both Will and Atticas again, she was so no ready for this, she thought to herself, not now just as she was starting to try and move on with her life.
"Lizzy, were you even listening to me?" Mrs Bennett chided Lizzy who snapped back into reality only to be met by her Mum's stern eyes glaring right at her. It was very unnerving to say the least.
"Sorry Mother, what did you say?" Lizzy questioned, awaiting the inevitable snide remark her Mum was about to make.
"Oh Lizzy, when will you learn to actually listen to the people around you and stop daydreaming" There it was thought Lizzy as her Mum carried on; "I said you can help me set up the barbecue, we're going shopping for the things now, come on chop chop" She clapped her hands to emphasise her point.
"Okay let me just grab my shoes" Lizzy replied sullenly, her face displaying how unhappy she was at the prospect of the Darcy's visiting.
"Whatever is the matter with you Lizzy? Your face looks like a wet weekend" Her Mum snapped
"Nothing Mum, come on let's go" Lizzy replied slipping her shoes on.
"Is it because the Darcy's are coming here tomorrow for a barbecue? If it is you can bring Lottie too if you like" Mrs Bennett offered.
"Yes please Mum that would be lovely" Lizzy replied, her mood brightening slightly at having Lottie distract her from the Darcy brother drama. It was at least one saving grace in an uncomfortable situation, Lizzy thought to herself as she followed her Mum out to the car.


The morning of the barbecue had arrived, no matter how much Lizzy had wished for it not to. She could already hear her Mum preparing the food and everything downstairs, and it was only half nine in the morning.
"I'd best get up and get this day over with" Lizzy groaned as she talked to herself. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom to have a quick shower, washing her hair so that she would at least look presentable at 'the gathering', as her Mother had started calling it now.

After her shower Lizzy went back to her room and selected a dress from her wardrobe; her Mum always insisted that she wore a dress or skirt to any occasion whether it be formal or informal as she said it made her look more elegant and 'much more approachable to boys'. Don't get me wrong Lizzy thought to herself as she dried off and put the dress on, she didn't mind wearing or dress or indeed a skirt, she just preferred to wear them of her own accord and not somebody else's; but to go against he Mother was a mortal sin, plus she couldn't really be bothered to argue with her, and especially not today of all days.

Lizzy descended the stairs into what could only be described as utter chaos, her Mum was barking orders at her sisters, who were all running around like headless chickens, all whilst her Father sat in his study reading his morning newspaper and having a cup of tea.
"It's only a barbecue for goodness sake" Lizzy muttered underneath her breath as she watched the scene unfold before her.
"Ahh Lizzy dear, come in here and shut the door, we can relax in here whilst they all rush around in a blink panic" Her Father said, lifting his eyes up from his paper to smile at his daughter, she was the calmest of the all, besides Jane of course, unlike her unruly sisters. My Bennett thought to himself as Lizzy snuck in through the door, shutting it behind her as per his request and also to shut the intolerable noise that was coming from the hallway and Kitchen curtsey of her Mum and younger sisters.
"Thanks Dad" Lizzy beamed gratefully at her Father as she sunk into one of the giant comfy chairs that adorned her Dad's study.
"You grab yourself a good book and get lost in it for a wile Lizzy dear" Mr Bennett said, gesturing to his bookshelves.
"Okay, thanks Dad" Lizzy replied as she chose a book at random and began to read.
"No need to thank me sweetheart, now you just sit back and relax" Her Dad said with a warm smile spread upon his face.

As Mr Bennett pulled is paper back up to read Lizzy smiled happily to herself as she sunk further into the comfy chair and turned to the first page of her book; thankful that at least one man in her life had her back.


The barbecue had already started and Lizzy was hiding away at the bottom of her garden with Lottie, as always by her side.
"Come on Lizzy, it's not that bad really. We're eating nice food and the sun is shining for once. Instead of having that sad look on your face you should at least be trying to enjoy yourself" Lottie gave her best friend a small pep talk as they sat swinging on Lizzy's garden chair.
"Enjoy myself? How can I when I know that both Will and Atticas will be here soon" Lizzy replied the dread she felt evident as she spoke.
"Oh Lizzy, it won't be that bad" Lottie replied placing her arm around Lizzy's shoulders, giving her a sideways hug.
"Plus you've always got me" She beamed her cheesy smile, in the hopes of cheering Lizzy up.
"Thanks Lottie, you're a lifesaver" Lizzy hugged her best friend back. Feeling ever so slightly better for it.

"Lizzy , the Darcy's are here! Get yourself inside to say hello!" Lizzy's Mum shouted from the patio doors, filling Lizzy with that overwhelming sense of dread once more.
"Here we go" Lizzy muttered as she reluctantly got up from the chair.
"Come on, we can do this together" Lottie said as she placed her hand within Lizzy's own, squeezing it gently to reassure her as the pair made their way into the house.

As they entered the house, despite the many greetings and pleasantries that were taking place Lizzy honed in on one thing, and one thing only; Will and Caroline stood practically wrapped around one another. Her heart stopped for a second and she froze to the spot, how could he and so soon too the lying bastard. Lizzy thought to herself. 
"Lizzy, are you okay?" Lottie asked concerned 
"He brought Caroline" Was all Lizzy said in reply
"What? The dick head, I'll go and have a word with him" Lottie exclaimed as she began to walk angrily over to the pair in question.
"No Lottie, wait" Lizzy caught her arm "Just leave it, honestly I'll be fine. Besides I've got you" Lizzy said pulling her friend back and into another hug.
"Well I am pretty amazing after all" Lottie giggled, wiggling her eyebrows to make Lizzy laugh.

"Hello Lizzy, Lottie" Caroline said in her highly annoying overly friendly tone, as she approached the two friends, Will attached to her arm as she did so.
"Hi Caroline, it's lovely to see you" Lizzy replied, not raising to the bait that Caroline as always was using to gain a reaction from the two.
"Lovely barbecue you've got here isn't it baby?" Caroline said in a sickly sweet voice to Will who just nodded and said;
"Sure is"
"And how lovely of them to invite us after everything that's happened between you and Lizzy" Caroline cuddled up closer to him, kissing him on the cheek to emphasise her point, all the while looking at Lizzy, trying to goad a reaction out of her.
"Alright that's enough" Lottie said getting in between Caroline and Lizzy. "Stop trying to hurt Lizzy's feelings, they're already hurt enough as it is" Lottie finished, eyeing Caroline up with her best glare.
"Oh poor Lizzy, well she doesn't know the half of it, does she Will? Now go on and tell her like a good little boy" Caroline pushed Will forward egging him on when he hesitated.
"What we had Lizzy it was only a fling. I want to be with Caroline really" Will said, his eyes stinging with unshed tears as Lizzy dropped her cup and raced upstairs, it all becoming too much for her.
"No Lizzy wait!" Will shouted after her
"Don't you dare, or everyone here finds out your precious little secret" Caroline whispered into Will's ear leaving him along with everybody else watching as Lizzy made her way upstairs to her room, slamming the door behind her. Except everyone else's hearts weren't breaking into a thousand pieces as Will's was.

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