Chapter Six

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Lizzy's head was still reeling from the kiss she and Will had just shared, with her lips still burning she ran her fingers over them contemplating what it all meant. Indeed if it meant anything at all. Did Will Like her? Was he just wanting a bit of fun and distraction from the whining bitch that was Caroline? Lizzy was overwhelmed with the amount of thoughts, questions, and emotions that were building up inside her. She had to get out of there and she had to do so soon, and very at that.

She ran her fingers quickly through her hair in an attempt to make herself look at the very least presentable before she began to make her way back towards the house. As she approached the patio door entrance she was stopped by a familiar face.

"Lizzy I've been looking for you everywhere, are you alright?" Lottie asked as she pulled her best friend into a hug.

"Not really, no. I just want to go home now" Lizzy replied drawing strength from Lottie's hug.

"Okay come on then lets go" Lottie replied, pulling away and slipping her arm through Lizzy's, no questions asked. She just let her best friend through the crowds of people who were all moving along to the music, some with drinks in their hands, which made it even harder for the pair to navigate through as they were splashed with some sort of alcoholic beverage from all angles, mainly beer though it seemed from the smell of it. As the night had drawn on the drinks had begun to flow more so, which meant that almost everyone was a little tipsy if not drunk.

The pair were almost at the doors that led to the car park when a voice rang out that they both knew.

"Lizzy, wait"!" Atticas bellowed over the music as he ran towards them.

"What is it Atticas? We were just about to leave" Lizzy replied reluctant to stay a moment longer in fear that she would see Will again.

"I was just wondering if perhaps you would like to hang out some time this week?" You know whenever you are free of course" Atticas asked hopeful that she would say yes. He really did like Lizzy and wated to at least go on a date of some sort with her, just to see how things went despite what his egotistical brother wanted him to do.

"I'll think about it okay?" Lizzy replied, really not in the mood to indulge Atticas and his propositions.

"Okay great, I'll call you" He beamed, happy that she had at least agreed to think about it.

"You don't have my number" Lizzy said

"Then I shall call upon you at home. Until then" Atticas winked before turning around and walking off back into the crowd.

"What even just happened?" Lottie asked Lizzy totally bemused

"I have no idea, lets just go home okay?" I'm done with the Darcy brothers for a while" Lizzy replied dragging her best friend towards the car.


As promised Atticas did call upon Lizzy at her house. It was on a Friday afternoon just as Lizzy had put on one of her many treasured Beatles records on and lay on her bed to relax and perhaps doze off as she did so.

"Lizzy!" You have a gentleman caller" Her Mother shouted up the stairs at the top of her voice

"What?" Lizzy shot up from her bed in complete and utter shock. Who could be calling for her? Surely it wasn't Atticas, he can't have been serious about calling on her the old fashioned way, was he? She thought to herself as she quickly smoothed down her hair, making sure that any unruly curls were as neat as they could ever be.

"Lizzy! Come on, it's rude to keep people waiting" Her Mother's shrill voice travelled up the stairs, annoying the heck out of her as it always did.

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