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My eyes fluttered open and the memories and pain of last night flooded my mind. I sat up weakly and groaned while rubbing my eyes. I glanced at my alarm clock and realized it was later than I usually get up. It was 5:30 am and I'm in the habit of getting up at 5 am everyday. My first thing I have to do every morning is make food for my so called parents. If I don't, I get a beating which was all the time anyways even if I did do everything correctly. My parents would hit me just to assuage their stress and anger.

I sighed and stood up off the dusty, cold basement floor. I had to make breakfast fast otherwise I would get punished for having no food on the table for them. By the time I finished making food I'd get assaulted by them either way, but consequences are worse when I have no food made.

I made it up the stairs, and slowly tip toed my way to the tiny kitchen. Our house was pretty small compared to the other structures in the neighborhood. I never complained though, I was thankful to at least have a roof over my head. I don't know what I would do if I lived on the streets.

I began to gather all my ingredients and my pan with the utensils before I started making pancakes with bacon. I tried to make myself a tiny pancake with an extra piece of bacon. I haven't eaten in so long, my stomach was beginning to ache, yearning for food. After I made all the food and set it out on the the table my parents entered the kitchen. I gulped down my food quickly and looked down at my feet so they could not see me chewing. I wasn't allowed to consume anything without their permission, not even water.

"I made you your breakfast S..Sir " I whispered softly, trying not to make eye contact with them. If I did, he would surely see that I have eaten something.

"Did you just eat something!" He yelled at me with fire in his eyes. This caused me to flinch and I began to shake in fear, unsure of what was to come.

I widened my eyes and looked up at him " sir I only made you food." I stuttered in fear and looked back down at my small feet.

"I know you are lying I saw you eat it." He growled, grabbing me by my hair and dragging my to the bathroom for a punishment.

This harsh man who was supposed to be my father, leaned me over the toilet harshly and I began to yell out for him to stop.

He started to shove his fingers down my throat making me gag harshly before vomiting out the tiny contents of the food I snuck in. With nothing left inside I heaved out, my body's gag reflex unable to relax from the forced vomit.

Tears streamed down my face and strands of hair cling to my face as I sat by the toilet breathing heavily.

"I never said you can make food for yourself!" He spat at me before leaving to eat with his wife.

I whimpered and slumped against the wall. I've been beaten ever since I can remember which was almost 13 years ago, I can't even remember when I was actually conscious of the things that were done to me. By 6 I was basically their slave, they made me cook, clean around the house, do them favors, and what I get in return was punches, burns, slaps, kicks and so many things I shouldn't think about. They were always drunk, stumbling into the house and always beating me up. They enjoyed it, and sometimes would bring their friends to torture me too for the fun of it.

Tears stung at my eyes and I sniffled before wiping away the salty drops running down my cheeks. I didn't want to think of these bad thoughts but they just kept coming in.

I clenched my jaw and stood up slowly before heading back to the kitchen. I hated this, I hated them, and I can't wait to leave this all behind.

As I stepped into the kitchen I looked up at them with fear plastered on my face. I really wanted to get out of this stuffy house and enjoy some fresh air. Sometimes if I had nothing left to do I was allowed to go across the street to sit in the grass.

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