First day online

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When I had woken up today I noticed a bag sitting on my nightstand that I had not placed there myself. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes as I groaned tiredly. Today I would have to start online school, it's not that I hate school, I'm pretty good at it, it's just that I'd be stuck here while doing so.

Once I finally woke up fully I took the bag off the nightstand and placed it on the bed. I remember seeing Matteo put it on my nightstand last night but I'm not really sure of what it could be.

Nervously I placed my hand in the bag and I grabbed whatever was in there. When I pulled it out my eyes widened at the sight. It was the bag I was looking at in Gucci.

My cheeks flared up thinking about how that had  meant Matteo must have seen me at the store looking at the price tag of the mini bag

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My cheeks flared up thinking about how that had meant Matteo must have seen me at the store looking at the price tag of the mini bag.

I fumbled with the drawstrings, trying to figure out if I should go say thank you or not. I didn't know if Matteo had left for work already so I decided to check.

I set the bag down carefully on my bed and I tip toed out my door, trying not to create any sound. When I got to Matteo's room I formed a fist with my hand and gently knocked on the door. I gulped nervously hoping he didn't answer, which meant he left already.

After waiting about 10 more seconds and I didn't see him I sighed in relief. I was too nervous to thank him over a bag that costed 1k.

Suddenly when I was about to turn around I bumped into someone. I looked up immediately and my eyes stared up into Matteo's.

"Were you looking for me?" Matteo asked as he cleared his throat.

I gulped down the ball that formed in my throat and I gave a soft smile, trying to push through my nervousness. "I..I um wanted to say thank you...for the bag." I muttered as I rubbed the back of my neck, smiling sheepishly.

Matteo grinned and ruffled my hair lightly, "you're welcome principessa~ now go eat breakfast I am leaving for a meeting soon and you got to complete some school work okay?" He stated and ushered me downstairs.

I giggled and nodded my head as I followed Matteo down the stairs so we could eat.

When we got to the kitchen, I saw Koda munching down on his puppy kibble and my brothers eating like monsters at the table.

I took a seat next to Gio and looked at Lorenzo who was by the stove with many bowls beside him, "what's on the menu today Lorenzo?" I asked jokingly and eyed him down.

Lorenzo poured batter onto a pan and looked at me. "Pancakes~ do you want chocolate chip, blueberry or plain?" He asked me and I bit my lower lip, stumped on what to pick.

"Hmm...chocolate chips please!" I chimed and leaned back in my chair as I watched Lorenzo nod and drop about 6 chocolate chips in both of my pancakes.

I smiled and my stomach rumbled loudly, causing my face to heat up, embarrassed of the sound that had erupted from me.

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