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As I opened my eyes I was greeted with only darkness. The sound of my phone buzzing with notifications had awoken me and I now realized I was sleeping in my bed.

It was now evening, but decently dark out. The sun had disappeared and stars had started to appear in the dark sky.

I looked at my phone, the bright light causing me to squint for a bit while I went to go turn the brightness down.

When the messages popped up I scanned over them quickly trying to see what I was sent. I felt my stomach drop and my eyes widened greatly from the content. I was frozen with fear as pictures of me laying in bed stared right back at me.

Without thinking I immediately jumped out of bed and ran out of my room, frightened of whoever was lurking out there waiting to snatch me up like a predator and I was the prey.

"M..Matteo!" I whimpered out, making my way down the stairs. Tears were now brimming my eyes, ready to fall down my cheeks. I felt as if I should shrink away in a corner and never move. I thought I was safe in my own house, but now I've realized that they are watching with drones.

Matteo ran over to me with a worried look. "What's wrong Bella?" He asked, his eyes scanning me, making sure I was not injured at all.

I didn't say a word, too many thoughts running through my head so I decided to just hand him my phone for his own eyes to see.

Matteo took the phone without saying anything as he looked at the messages. I noticed his grip get tighter and I gasped seeing he almost broke my phone.

He looked at me with gritted teeth and took a deep breath before slipping my phone into the pocket of his pants.

"Please go to Matthew's room and stay with him alright? You'll be safe in there, I won't let anything happen to you." He said softly and gave me a kiss on my forehead before heading to his office to find out who is doing this to and where they are.

I went back upstairs right away, my chest heaving up and down like I had ran a mile. Have they always been watching me? I questioned in my head causing my body to tremble as shivers were sent down my spine. I scurried through the hall and when I arrived at the guest room, Uncle Matthew was staying in, I knocked softly.

"Come in!" I heard him shout from the other side of the door. I inhaled sharply as I twisted the doorknob and stepped in his room.

"Uncle Matthew.." I croaked out, feeling tears rolling down my cheeks again. He immediately looked at me when he heard my voice crack with fear and sadness.

"Bella! What is wrong? Come here." He said softly and patted his bed gently. I closed the door and slowly walked over, sniffling a few times because I did not want to cry in front of him.

Matthew sighed and engulfed me in a hug when I sat beside him.

"Now tell me what is wrong princess~" he asked me and I nibbled at my lower lip nervously.

"S..Someone took pictures of me sleeping..and..and sent them to me." I stuttered slightly, trying my best to get a sentence out for him to understand.

Matthew's eyes darkened with anger that I never knew he had in him. He stood up, causing the bed to jolt from the sudden action, "Does Matteo know about this!" His voice became raised slightly and I got startled, looking down as I nodded my head.

"Y..Yes..." I whispered softly and fiddled with the bed sheet I was sitting on. Matthew noticed me get uncomfortable and he sat back down right away.

"I am so sorry Bella I didn't mean to yell.." he muttered and rubbed my back in small circular motions.

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