Man in the shadows

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I sat outside in the backyard, watching as Koda ran around the perimeter, only visible if he ran by the illumination of the tiny light.

It's been a week since Matteo told me everything. I feel much better though, not fully okay, but enough that I did not fear for my life every second.

I never realized how knowing something so dangerous would cause me to feel uneasy all the time. I need to overcome that fear because everything is okay.

Suddenly when koda ran into the shadows, disappearing for a few seconds, I heard a squeal of pain and then I saw someone move in the darkness.

I immediately ran over to where Koda was and saw him laying on the floor bleeding. My heart sunk at my fur baby laying limp on the ground. I put my arms underneath his body and lifted him up gently. Suddenly a felt a sharp excruciating pain in my stomach and I looked over at the source that created it.

There stood a man with a large evil grin on his face as blood from the knife wound splattered on his clothing speckling red all over.

My face scrunched up in pain as the man digs the tiny knife in deeper before pushing me over and leaving me suffering on the ground.

"This is a warning little girl. I'll be back to bring you to my boss." He sneered and swiftly dissipated into the darkness.

"M..Matteo!" I cried, gripping the handle of the knife that now protruded from my stomach. Koda was laying next to me still, but I could see his chest rising lightly. That relieved me, however the pain was too much.

I started to panic as I felt warm blood oozing out onto my hands. I heard shuffling behind me and looked over seeing Matteo and my brothers running outside quickly with a guns in their hands.

Matteo spotted me on the ground, my shirt soaked with red blood. My eyebrows furrowed and I groaned in pain, looking down at my stomach.

Matteo ran over to me, "shit shit shit..Bella stay with me okay. I got you." He whispered and stroked my head before picking me up carefully. My eyes closed and my body burned in agony. I tried to think of a peaceful place, but I was distracted by the knife that was still in my stomach.

"Dante go find that guy and throw him in the cell, hurry!" Matteo ordered as he brought me to the car quickly..

I gripped onto his shirt and turned my attention back to where I was originally. Luca was picking up koda, examining his injuries.

Tears fell down my cheeks, hoping that he would survive. I felt terrible that I couldn't protect him, but I couldn't do anything now.. the damage has been done, no going back.

Matteo gently laid me down in the back seat of one of the cars and I looked up at him. He immediately noticed my tears that stained my cherry cheeks and he wipes them away slowly.

"'s alright now, you'll be okay." Matteo whispered assuringly and hopped into the driver's seat quickly so he could get me to their hospital.

I realized that there was blood all over the seat and I sniffled trying to wipe it away. The blood smeared all over my hands and my breathing started to become rapid.

"I..I..I'm sorry Matteo...I got blood on your seats," I mumbled and tried to sit up slightly to look out the window.

Matteo sighed and gripped on the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white from the strength. "It's alright Bella...don't worry about it princess," he hummed and sped up so we could get there quicker.

When I looked down and finally saw the black thick knife handle sticking out of my stomach. My face scrunched up and I gasped out. "I..I'm gonna puke." I grumbled and tried opening the window to distract me of this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Matteo started driving faster and soon I saw a building in the distance, recognizing it as his hospital establishment.

He pulled up to the front and got out of the car right away before grabbing me from the backseat. His hand accidently nudged the knife and I inhaled sharply, pain erupting from the wound.

"Shit, I'm so sorry Bella I didn't mean to do that." He claimed and brought me towards the large building.The sliding doors opened allowing us into the bright room with the front desk. The smell immediately hit my noise and I groaned. I hated the smells of medical places.

"Mr. Rossi, what are you doing here?" A lady asked as she eyes him down from across the room. Matteo scowled and looked at the lady. "Ms. Pali are you blind, help me." He growled and started walking towards an empty bed.

Matteo placed me down and I gulped nervously as a doctor rushed over right away with medical supplies, they carefully removed the knife and blood gushed out instantly.

My face was contorted as the pain was just too much to handle. I gripped Matteo's hand and he moved my hair out of my sweaty face. Matteo whispered into my ear reassuring me that once they wrapped up the wound I'd feel much better.

They gave me some pain killers and started applying pressure to the wound.

Matteo tried his best at comforting me but I felt darkness take over my eyes and I drifted unconscious. The pain was slowly disappearing as the pain medicine kicked in.


My eyelids were heavy, as I fought to open them fully. As soon as my eyes opened I came in contact with a bright white light. I got blinded and closed my eyes again, easing the strain that appeared.

Suddenly the lights turned off and only a tiny lamp illuminated the dark room. I heard the door click closed, realizing that someone just left the room. I opened my eyes fully and looked around, my eyes stopping on some of my brothers who sat in the room asleep on the pull out beds.

I guess the lights were on because a nurse had came in to check on me. I sighed and sat up slowly, trying not to irritate my stab wound. I looked down and noticed my stomach wrapped up in white bandages.

It was soaked in dried blood that was once red but now dark brown. I brushed my finger over where the knife once was and I shivered at the feeling.

As I sat in the stiff bed my mind wandered back to the man that stood in the shadows, the man that stabbed me. I wonder if Dante had caught him before he could get away.

My body stiffened up, remembering that Koda was also injured. I slowly got out of bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom. Oh my poor Koda, I want him here with me, I thought to myself and stepped inside the tiny bathroom that was in the room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and scrunched my face up in disgust. Oh god I looked like a crazy lady. I turned the faucet on and splashed cold water in my face, causing shivers down my spine. Maybe I'll ask Luca who was sleeping on one of the beds where he put Koda.

I grabbed the hair tie off my wrist and put my hair up in a ponytail before exiting the shiny restroom. When I walked In I saw Matteo standing by my bed with his arms crossed. When he heard me his attention washed over me and I gulped walking back to my bed.

I took a seat and looked up at him. "Where's Koda.." I muttered and frowned softly, not wanting to hear anything bad.

Matteo sighed and took a seat as he cleared his throat. "We had to bring him to an emergency veterinarian hospital. He had surgery but they said he could pull through." Matteo informed me and I sighed in relief. Thank god he was alive, I don't know what I'd do without him.

Matteo patted my shoulder and gave me a tiny smile. "I'm so glad you are okay, you lost too much blood so I had to give you my blood." He said softly and gave me a light hug.

I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled into his Warmth. "Did they catch him?" I asked but my question was slightly muffled from the hug.

Matteo pulled away and nodded his head. "Yes, we have him don't worry. He can't hurt you anymore." Matteo said sternly and looked at me with worried eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't even protect you in our own backyard. I even promised you.." he sighed and looked down at my wound.

I pouted and patted his hand reassuringly. "It's alright. I forgive you~" I said and gave him one last hug.

1507 words

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