Volleyball tryouts

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Friday had come along and I had stayed after school for my tryouts. I really was hoping I could make the team. I've never done this before and It would be a great experience.

A smile appeared on my face as I dragged Lucy to the gym where tryouts took place.

"Bella slow downnn" Lucy whined like a child and giggled as she caught up with me.

"I'm so excited! Come on we gotta hurry!" I chimed and skipped towards the doors of the gymnasium.

When we entered the coach looks towards us and smiled. "Girls come here, I was about to explain what we would be doing today." He stated and waited for us to come over.

We nodded and headed over to the group.

"Alright girls, we will be doing laps around the court, and then we will do serve and passes. After that is blocking, spiking and setting. Now let's start." He said and we nodded.

We all started jogging around the gym and I tried to keep up with everybody. I haven't ran in awhile and I groaned frustrated. This was gonna be hard to get used to. I thought to myself as I pushed through.

After a couple laps around the gym we started working on our serving over the nets. I did a jump serve and hit the volleyball with all my strength. The ball went over the net and onto the other side. I smiled happily and practiced my serving multiple times. My teammates cheered me on which kept me motivated.

I noticed The coach was writing things down on a paper as we served the ball. I guess he was writing down what we are good at.

Next was passing the ball, we had to pick a partner to pass to. I decided to go with Lucy and we started passing the ball back and forth.

I got the hang of it and so did Lucy. After a couple minutes the coach stopped us and informed us we will now be using our blocking, spiking and setting skills before we used all our skills in a game of volleyball. That would be the last thing to do for tryouts.

Tryouts were finally over and I panted heavily, supposedly I've always had a weak heart but I never realized how unfit I was either. My chest hurt and my head felt like it was really heavy to the point I could fall over.

The coach informed all of us that we would know if we made it on the team by next week Tuesday. I was very eager to find out.

When I finally got changed in the locker room and washed my face, I headed out to the parking lot where Luca was waiting for me.

When I spotted him I smiled and ran over to him. "Hi Luca!" I chimed and gave him a big hug to greet him.

"Hey princess did you make the team?" He asked and I shrugged looking away.

"I'll find out by Tuesday." I hummed and got in the car.

Luca got in the car too and we started driving home. Luca was on his phone talking to Matteo about scheduling a dinner with another business partner.

I put my earbuds in and started listening to some soft music not wanting to intrude onto the conversation.

Suddenly I harsh jolt made my smack my head against the window and the car flipped, tumbling over and over on the road.

Ringing filled my ears, my eyesight was blurry and I couldn't comprehend anything. Dust and smoke filled the air. I coughed and turned my head towards Luca.

We were hanging upside down in our seats. I whimpered in pain and tried to unhook myself and Luca but couldn't.

I heard Matteo's voice coming from Luca's phone and I tried to reach it. "H..Help..Matteo.." I croaked out not sure if he could hear me.

I heard footsteps coming over and I looked towards the window seeing two large feet standing there.

Suddenly he grabbed me and pulled me out. I screamed the best I could, thrashing around crazily.

The sound of a gunshot filled my ears and then the burning sensation in my leg made me cry out in agony.

I watched them drag Luca out of the car and tears streamed down my face. The person pulled out a gun and aimed it at Luca's head.

I started to scream out to them. "S..Stop! Don't hurt him! STOP!" I cried out, tears pouring down my cheeks. One of the guys looked at me and scrunched his face.

"Shut it you bitch!" He sneered out and glared at me.

Vehicles started to approach quickly and my vision started to fade in and out. I heard the sound of many bullets whizzing by, guys dropping dead to the ground.

I looked over to see Luca still alive and I sighed in relief before I fell into the dark abyss...

(Here's some action for y'all : ) I hope you enjoy, sorry these chapters are so short now:(

849 words

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