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It's been about a week after leaving the hospital. I've been on home rest, and Lorenzo had been staying home taking care of Dante and me.

I appreciated Lorenzo staying home, but I felt bad for keeping him in the house all day. I also was upset because I have been told I made the volleyball team and that they are saving my spot to wait for me to recover. However by next month I won't be able to play for a few weeks again.

I sighed and curled up in a ball on the couch. The past week I have been binge watching movies and tv shows, eating, baking, painting and sleeping.

The guys bought me canvases and new paint so I can paint anything I wanted. I loved painting and I felt free to express my feeling in the form of art. Sometimes I just did abstract art but other times I painted sunsets, people, nature, etc.

Painting sent me off into a different world from everyone. I was relaxed, focused on just the art in front of me.

I sat up on the couch and smiled. Just thinking about painting made me excited. I swing my legs off the side of the couch and I get up.

I headed over to my table for painting and I grabbed a canvas along with some paints and paintbrushes. I set everything down and started to paint a picture of my brothers and I together.


After a couple hours of painting I was finally done with the portrait. I smiled happily and held it out in front of me.

I admired the painting before setting it down on the table to dry completely before putting mod podge on it to protect it.

Soon, Lorenzo walked in smiling. "Guess what!" He hummed and I looked at him.

"Hmmm let me guess, you got me a puppy~" I said jokingly, I've been hinting for a puppy for awhile now.

Lorenzo chuckled and shook his head.

"I got tickets to the zoo and today they are doing a feeding event. You get to feed some birds and other animals." Lorenzo said and I laughed.

"Sounds great! Let's go." I chimed and started heading to the door to put on my shoes.

I heard Luca walking down the stairs and I turned my attention to that direction. He slowly got to the door and I gave him a soft smile.

"Do you feel better?" I asked worriedly looking at him up and down. He had gotten skinnier since he had stopped working out due to what had happened.

Luca nodded not wanting to talk about it. I sighed and headed out the door with them. Outside was one of my body guards in his car. Matteo had gotten body guards for Luca, the twins and me. It was a bit weird to have people following me around when I went out but I knew it was only to keep us safe.

We all hopped in a car and headed off to the zoo which was located about 45 minutes away. I sighed and leaned back in the seat before closing my eyes.

Luca had turned on the radio and put on the most popular hits of this year. I enjoyed most of the songs and slowly I fell asleep.


I felt someone shaking me lightly and my eyes fluttered opened. I groaned and looked around. "We are here already?" I asked while rubbing my eyes softly.

"Yes now let's go slow poke." Luca said jokingly and started walking over to Lorenzo who had decided to wait by the entrance.

I quickly got out of the car and went after them. "Wait up!" I whined and finally reached them.

"Alright here's your ticket Bella and here's yours Luca." Lorenzo said as he handed us our ticket to enter the zoo.

I took my ticket and we headed into the zoo. The sounds of birds squawking, wolves howling and kids squealing filled my ears instantly.

I've never been to the zoo and I was super excited to experience it. I grabbed Lorenzo and Luca's hand and headed off to the bird exhibit.

"Let's go feed the birds!" I chimed and we entered the large cage.

The birds were beautiful, I smiled, taking in the looks.

Soon a worker came over and handed us bird seeds and apple slices.

"Here hold your hand out and they'll come and land on you." The worker said and we nodded before doing what we were told.

As soon as my hand was out 2 birds flew over and landing on me. I squealed since it tickled from their feet padding on my hand,

I looked over at Lorenzo and Luca and saw that they had birds sitting in their hair. I laughed and quickly took a picture of them.

Luca gasped, seeing me take a picture. "Hey I probably look so bad!" He whined and I smirked putting my phone away.

Once we were done feeding the birds we headed over to the giraffe exhibit. They also had us feed the giraffes.

Lorenzo lifted me up and I held out my hand, allowing the giraffe to eat the food off my hand. It's slimy long tongue licked my hand and I laughed.

Lorenzo put me down and he started feeding the giraffes along with Luca.

When we were done I washed my hands and I waited for my brothers. They also washed their hands then looked at me.

"How about we get some food now?" Lorenzo asked and I nodded.

"Yea please~ I'm very hungry." I hummed and we headed off to a food stand.

I looked over the menu and decided to get a quesadilla with sour cream and salsa on top. Lorenzo got a bean burrito and Luca got a burrito bowl with rice and salsa.

When our food arrived we dug in like beasts. I moaned at the taste. "This is so good!" I giggled and took a sip of my water.


We had finished our food and decided to look around the zoo a bit more before getting some ice cream and heading home.

When we got home I felt drained of energy. I barely did anything today we just walked. I frowned and reached my hand out, placing it on the wall to support myself.

Luca looked at me worriedly. "Bella what's wrong?!" He asked me and I shook my head quickly.

My eyes closed and I took deep breaths before opening my eyes again.

"I'm okay.." I said softly and walked slowly to the couch. Luca sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"I'm just a bit tired that is all." I mumbled and leaned my head against him. I was so exhausted I didn't realize I had fallen asleep so fast.

Luca had placed my down softly on the couch and headed off to the kitchen.

As I was sleeping I heard whispering coming from the kitchen. I groaned and rolled onto my side.

"She's getting tired really easily, I don't think we can take her out of the house a lot. Her heart is straining even more." A voice said.

"I know know, the surgery is being scheduled sooner. The surgeon recommended next week." Another voice said.

I couldn't comprehend who was speaking was I really going into surgery next week. My thoughts were everywhere and I slowly drifted back into a deep sleep.

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