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As I sat in the car on the ride home, it was very quiet. After Lorenzo informed me that Matteo wanted to speak to me I got scared. Would he beat me, yell at me? Kick me out? I thought for awhile, picking at my skin nervously. I didn't realize we had arrived at the gated mansion. I gulped and got out of the car.

"Come follow me principess~" Lorenzo said leading me towards Matteo's office.

I nodded and followed after him like a puppy. Once we arrived to Matteo's office, Lorenzo knocked and opened the door, letting me in. As I walked in Lorenzo closed the door and left. I gulped nervously and headed towards the chair in front of Matteo's desk.

Once I had sat down Matteo looked at me, "Bella, now that you are out of the hospital there is a few things I must speak with to you." He said.

"Okay.. it's okay if you don't want me anymore, I understand." I mumbled and looked at him.

Matteo's eyes softened slightly before becoming a bit sterner, "Bell id never kick you out, you are family." He said sternly.

I sighed in relief and nodded my head.

"Okay so in this house there are a few rules you must follow if you don't you'll be grounded and have a punishment of some sort.
Number 1, you must respect us, no back talk or anything. Number 2 you must ask us to go somewhere that is out of this house. Number 3 no dating it's not necessary at your age. Number 4 Never go on the 3rd floor we work our business from home up there. Number 5 no cursing at us. Number 6 get good grades at school and lastly if you need help with something get one of us okay?" Matteo informed me.

I nodded "I understand, I won't do anything bad I promise." I hummed softly.

"Alright good, now about school, I noticed you have never been to school do you know anything?" He asked me

I nodded slowly,  "I taught myself I'm a year ahead though" I mumbled.

"Okay well I enrolled you into the same highschool as your brothers, the school asked you to take an entrance test to see your curriculum level." Matteo spoke in a neutral tone.

"We also will buy you new school supplies and clothes. We can go tomorrow if you'd like." He said.

I looked up at him. "Really? I'll get new clothes and get to go to school!?" I asked excitedly. I've never been to school and I was super excited to see what was good about it.

"Yes, and here I noticed you had no phone, this is for you." Matteo stated, reaching into his drawer and handing me a new iPhone." I gasped and thanked him quickly.

As I admired the new phone someone walked in frantically. "Boss the guy escaped-" he stopped mid sentence when he saw me sitting in the chair.

Matteo looked at me, "Bella head to your room  okay?" He said softly and stood up from his desk.

I nodded quickly and left his office. As I closed the door I heard yelling. "What do you mean he escaped! I told you to have guards there! Go search this house right now." He ordered.

I quickly ran to my room and jumped on my bed. It felt good to lay back on these sheets. I wonder who that guy was talking about. What did he mean by escaping? I thought for awhile and

I decided to ignore it and try to set up my phone, however I just couldn't figure it out. Suddenly I heard something fall In my closet. My heart started to beat faster and I got out of bed scared. As I slowly headed to my closet to look at what fell I heard rustling. I gulped and opened the doors, what I saw horrified me. It was the man that abused me everyday covered in blood. I screamed loudly and fell on my butt. Tears filled my eyes and he came closer with a grin. I noticed him pull out a gun and aim it at me.

My door bursted open and I turned to see who it was. Matteo and everyone ran into my room, he pulled out a gun, quickly shooting at the man's side. He fell to the floor and I got up stumbles forward before running towards my brothers. I held onto Dante's leg, whimpering as tears spilled out.

"I..I wanna leave, get me out of here please." I stuttered as I gasped for air. I couldn't breathe anymore.

Dante picked me up and carefully brought me to his room. My chest burned and ached. I sniffled and hugged him tightly.

"Stay with me please..don't leave." I said softly.

He nodded and sat on the bed with me.

"C..Can can you put a movie on please." I whispered not sure if he could hear me.

Soon I saw the tv turn on and the movie frozen started to play. I smiled a bit and nuzzled my head into his lap.

Dante stroked my head carefully not wanting to scare me.

We were all upstairs searching for him but we could not find him anyway. We didn't want to think he got that far but when we heard Bella scream we came running to her room. Our guns were out already ready to strike. When we bursted through her room she was on the ground, a gun pointed at her.

"Fuck!" And I then shot him in the side. He fell to the floor and Bella escaped to us quickly.

Once she was gone with Dante I picked up the man. His name was Jack Thompson. I brought him back to where we had him and we tied him up. Once he was secure I left him for the others.

I headed to Dante's room and when I walked in I saw them watching frozen.

I sighed in relief and sat down next to Bella.

"Principess, are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

Her tear stained cheeks broke my heart. How could I not protect her in my own house. I lectured myself and rubbed the tears away on her face.

This was by far one of my favorite movie. I smiled to myself and felt a bit happier knowing I was safe with my brother.

Matteo then walked in the room asking if I was okay, I nodded yes and sat up a bit. I felt loved for the first time in my life. I couldn't wait to go to school too. I'll finally be a normal girl.

1122 words

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