The Date (Ending Part 2)

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When we had arrived back to Uncle Matthew's house I immediately ran to the room that Koda was in before I left. I just hoped he didn't act out at all to rebel against my actions of leaving him.

When I cracked the door open I saw a chaotic sight. The cushions of the chairs were ripped apart, fluff scattered in the floor. I began to panic and I looked around the room for the culprit.

There in the corner sat Koda, his head hung low as he stared at me with puppy eyes. I groaned and walked over to him. He whimpered and it ached my heart that he was sad, but he did something bad. I know that I haven't spent much time with him, but he shouldn't have ripped up the room for attention.

Uncle Matthew is probably going to be mad at me now for the mess my dog has caused. I sighed and picked up Koda, straddling him in my arms.

"Oh boy...what am I going to do with you." I huffed and walked out of the room with him. I couldn't deal with the mess right now, I had to get ready for my date that was only in a few hours. Time passed by fast at the mall and now I only had 2 hours to get take a shower and dress nicely.

"Uncle Matthew.." i shouted out through the house, trying to find him. I wanted to make sure he knew that Koda had ruined his chairs. I had to apologize for it, who knows..maybe those chairs were like very expensive or from older relatives.

I walked through the hallway, the sound of my feet pattering on the floor echoing off the walls. It was weirdly silent and I didn't like that. I gulped down my nerves and walked into the living room . The lights were off, but the second I stepped into the room the bright light flickered on, blinding me for a second.

I jumped startled from the sudden change in light. There stood my brothers, Vincent and uncle Matthew with a big smile on their face.

"What's going on?" I asked confused on why they were acting so weirdly. Matteo had a huge grin on his face and he clasped his hands together.

"I know you're going on a date with Vincent and he spoke to us about it. So we had someone set up your date somewhere. Now go get ready so I can send you off to your date! You guys leave soon." He informed me and my mouth hung open in shock of what I was just told.

So that's what they were talking about when I went to go get Koda before we left. I grinned sheepishly and placed Koda down on the floor before running upstairs, forgetting about the whole ordeal with Koda destroying a room. I heard chuckling behind me as I got farther away from everybody.

When I got to my bedroom I dug through the bag of clothes I had bought and finally a red fabric caught my eye. Ahaha there is it.. I pulled the dress out of the bag, careful not to rip it since it was such a nice expensive dress.

I decided that I'd take a quick shower since I wanted to have time to try some new makeup on and do my hair. I've never really dressed up fancy so I hope I don't look to bad when I'm finished.

After I had finished my shower I lathered vanilla bean cinnamon lotion into my skin which by the way, smelt super good. I slipped on the red dress and looked at myself in the mirror. There were so many scars that covered my body. My skin looked leathery in some areas from burns and larger scars that covered more area.

I felt my stomach twist in disgust and I looked away immediately. Maybe I shouldn't wear this dress...I don't want to ruin our first date.

I took a seat on the bed and rested my head in my hands. Tears were now flowing out of my eyes as I sobbed quietly. Why couldn't I just look pretty like other girls..

Suddenly I heard the bedroom door open slowly and I became quiet right away, trying my best not to whimper with sadness.

"Bella are you alright?" I heard Matthew ask and I looked up at him. My eyes were already red and glossy from the crying, but I didn't want to worry him.

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