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That was all she could feel, flowing through her and biting at her nerves. She whimpered when another curse was sent at her causing another wave of pain to fly through her.

"Look at the blood traitor" someone cackled. She flinched at the echo and tried to move away but was hit with another curse.

"May I have a turn my lord" a voice drawled. Davina turned to see her childhood enemy and cousin, Draco Malfoy.

"No, she's mine" someone screamed. The voice sounded a lot like Bellatrix but she couldn't really tell.

"This girl has tortured me for 7 years of my life. If anything, she's mine." Draco snarled.

"Let him have a go Lestrange" someone barked, and the woman reluctantly let go.

Draco walked up to the girl wandering when everything had gone wrong. Draco himself counted heavily on the golden quad to solve the ongoing war and save them all.

"How pathetic" he sneered looking at the woman who lay in front of him. Her black hair, once shining, was clumped together with dried blood and bruises littered her face.

He sent a light crucio at her and watched as she screamed in discomfort. It was awful that he had to cause her pain but he needed to ensure that the future wasn't one like this. Nobody had heard from the golden boy so everyone assumed he was planning something or dead. Most thinking the latter. 

After Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley's death, the Gryffindors had split and disappeared from practically everywhere. Sadly, Davina had been caught by some deatheaters and had been held captive for over 6 months while Harry was still on the run. Or dead. 

It had taken Draco 6 months to create a plausible solution and he had finally made one. He knew for sure he was to die as soon as the spell was cast, but it was a willing decision he was going to make. All the jealous glances at the four close friends, the snide remarks, the hateful glances. He needed a way to redeem himself, and this was the only one he could think of. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 

He looked at the grey eyes that stared back at him, the same eyes he shared. He smiled slightly, a small quirk of the lips. 

"I'm sorry" he murmured, a small smile still playing on his lips. "Good luck cousin" 

"reponere quod perdidi et facere meliorem," he boomed and a bright glow filtered through the room, flooding it with a brilliant golden light. Draco chuckled in disbelief, the spell had worked. Not that he doubted his skills. 

Davina felt a warm light flood through her and she sighed at the feeling. It was the most comforting feeling she had felt in 6 months and she cherished the feeling. Opening her eyes blearily, she tried to make a sense of her surroundings but it came out blurry. 

The last thing she recalled seeing was a vibrant green light going straight for the Albino with a smile. 

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