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HOGWARTS WOULD ALWAYS be her home but she missed the outside world, the muggle one

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HOGWARTS WOULD ALWAYS be her home but she missed the outside world, the muggle one. On the run, she had spent most of her time in the muggle world and she fell in love with it. It was beautiful and she realized that they really were more civilized than she thought.

It was a couple of days after Christmas and the other students were due to return any day now. She dressed comfortably and strolled outside heading straight for Hogshead.

"Where you headed?" Remus asked. Ever since the confrontation with the blood, Remus had been trying his hardest to become friends with the girl.

"Who are you? My mother?" She sighed, pulling on a coat and walking out the common room.

She had pretty much completed 3 phases and it was already crumbling. Phase 1 of them hating her was not working and she didn't know how to feel. She wanted them to hate her, but they weren't exactly suspicious of her yet. They most definitely would when she started the next phase. She shook her head, it was better this way.

The cool air washed around her and she smiled happily at the white powder that coated pretty much everything. She had always been a fan of winter more than she had been for summer. Sure the hot weather meant that she could swim in the lake, but the cold meant she could cuddle under a warm blanket and soak up the heat.

"Aberforth?" She called, opening the door to the pub.

"Oi, no kids allowed" a man yelled from inside, but she ignored him. She continued to walk up the stairs to her room, ignoring the man that followed behind her.

"Aberforth!" She cheered, strolling over to the man she had stumbled across in the hall.

"Davina, how's everything?" He asked. Before she could answer they were interrupted by the man that had been chasing her.

"Look kid, just wait a few years and to then you can enter the-"

"Relax Morton, she's the girl I was telling you about" Aberforth explained.

Morton's eyes widened with recognition and he immediately apologized.

"I am so sorry ma'am-"

"Oh it's alright! I probably should have explained downstairs" she shrugged holding a hand out. "Let's restart, I'm Davina Evergreen"

Morton held out his hand and shook hers. "Morton Prince." Davina paused before flashing her mind to Severus Snape. He was from the Prince bloodline right? Was this man related to him.

"From the Prince bloodline?" She asked. The man nodded his head in confirmation.

"Do you happen to know anything about a boy, in my year. His name's Severus Snape?"

Morton tried to recall such a name but pulled out blank. He shook his head in denial.

"Do you know an Eileen perhaps?" She asked. If she wanted him on her side she needed a bargain, something of value.

"Yes! My cousin Eileen" he smiled.

"She married a muggle man, Tobias Snape and gave birth to a boy names Severus Tobias Snape." She declared. The man furrowed his eyebrows but came up blank. The cousins, despite being pureblood were not as close as one would assume.

"Why does this matter?" Morton asked.

"Do you an heir?" And just like that his face grew passive. They did not have an heir, and it was driving his father utterly mad. He looked at her and realization settled on his face.

"W-what?" He stuttered. Aberforth had been standing there the whole time and saw that his friend probably needed a break.

"Why don't we sit down and continue this conversation?" Aberforth suggested and Davina nodded her head. Once they were all seated Morton placed his head in his arms.

"An heir?" He said. It was almost unrealistic. His family had been under pressure and needed to find an heir soon or there blood line would cease to exist.

"Severus Snape, son of Eileen Prince" she confirmed. The man let out a breathy laugh and shook his head in amusement.

"We have an heir" he stated, unable to believe it. They had lost all contact with Eileen and she was never seen outside. Her family had disowned her for marrying a muggle but they had assumed she was dead with the lack of contact made.

"I can get you a visit" she said and the man looked at her eagerly.

"Would you?" He said, a happy look coating his face.

"Of course, you can expect his soon, I'll try owl beforehand" she agreed. Morton looked at the girl gratefully before standing up.

"I'll leave you two to talk." He said getting up. Before he left he turned to Davina and smiled at her. "Thank you, my family is forever in your debt"

"Oh," she said shaking her head, "no need for that."

Aberforth and Davina were left in silence.

"Are you going to explain what that was?" He asked. The girl let a small smirk fall on her face, and she tilted her head slightly.

"Morton is a lovely guy, really, but with the acceptance of Snape as heir to the Prince line, he'd be in my debt."

"Cunning" Aberforth commented. "Sure you're not a Slytherin"

Davina giggled. "Nah, hat said I did not take in the risk factor. Wasn't exactly lying."

Aberforth and Davina continued to converse and Davina told him a few things about the future without revealing much about the horrors of it. Soon the day faded and night slowly came and Davina was forced to return back to Hogwarts. On the way back, she was stopped by a certain gang of boys. 

"Rumour is, you were allowed into Hogshead," Sirius asked, sliding right next to, squishing her into the side of the couch. Davina hummed in response, not even looking slightly interested.

"How!" James jumped up, "We've been trying to forever, but stupid Aberforth won't allow us in."

"Guess I'm just special" she sighed, getting up from her seat and moving up to the girl's dorms. The boys sat there, each deep in thought.

"She's odd isn't she?" 

"Kinda like she's hiding something" Sirius input. The boys sat quietly before the silence was broken by Remus's quiet whisper. James and Sirius were pretty sure that the boy didn't want them to hear him so they pretended as if they didn't.

"I think she's enigmatic" 

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