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"Maman please" Davina begged, holding onto Narcissa's robe

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"Maman please" Davina begged, holding onto Narcissa's robe. The blonde lady quirked her lip at the young girl before smoothing down the blue dress that she had on.

"It's only for a little while my love," the blonde smiled. Davina still grunted but clutched Narcissa's hand tightly.

Draco's friend, Blaise Zabini, was having a ball in honour of his half-birthday. Tacky right?

Davina didn't know anyone there, well, really didn't like anyone there. She tended to keep close to Narcissa during these events, only ever straying if she caught sight of food or a stray animal that the pure blood families owned.

"What's got my little girl growling like that?" A voice asked. Davina immediately smiled before hurtling herself into his hold. She received a slight grumble about it but not much more.

"Père!" Davina cried out. She snuggled closer into his hold, refusing to let go. The older man just smiled before smoothing put her hair and placing her back on her feet.

"Now mon amour," Lucius stated, tucking two strands of her hair behind her ear. "Let's enjoy ourselves shall we?"

The smaller girl giggled before grabbing Lucius's hand and skipping away, rambling about anything and everything she sees.

"She adores you" Narcissa stated. Lucius turned to his wife, a soft smile on his face that he often reserved just for his family.

"Père, look at this!" Davina gushed, shoving her face into the ice sculpture. Her mouth was ajar and she could feel the warm puffs of air coming out of her mouth, slightly warming the ice.

"Mon chèri," Lucius sighed, gesturing with his hand for the girl to move away which she did willingly.

"Maman, how much longer" Davina whined.

"We do not whine Davina" Narcissa reprimanded before melting at the sight of the little girls pout.

"Look mon amour," Lucius said, crouching next to girl and pointing her head towards the window.

Outside were 4 well groomed unicorns, lumbering around the yard, eating the sugar cubes that they were fed.

"Oh Père, can I go outside please?" Davina begged. When Lucius motioned with his hand for her to go she squealed in delight before bounding off. He watched her skip away with a soft smile before turning to his wife. 

"What will you do?" Upon seeing his confused face she shook her head.

"We both know she's a Gryffindor" Narcissa sighed. The couple had tried to desperately to change the girl into the Slytherin that she could've been but to their disappointment, the girl was as courageous as her father.

"I know" The man said sadly. He turned to look out the window, glancing at the small girl twirling around in the daisies. He smiled softly when he saw her resting her small forehead on the tip of the unicorn's mouth, gasping at the creature. 

"Lucius..." Narcissa trailed, wrapping her arm around the man. He turned to look at his wife, who stood in her eternal beauty, a worried frown on her face. He placed a fragile kiss on her forehead before glancing back out the window to see his oldest son watching the little girl. 

Draco had been incredibly welcoming to Davina when she was a small babe, but now it was at the stage where they constantly teased each other and threw tantrums. Despite everything, they both knew that the two cousins loved each other dearly and would stop at nothing to make sure that the other was never sad or angry. 

"She's my little girl" he whispered. Lucius hated to admit it but he had hated to think that Sirius Black's child would be living with them. In fact, he had decided that when the child is brought to them they'd drop her off in the nearest orphanage. Yet when the girl arrived, Lucius couldn't take his eyes off the little gem. The girl had been handed to Lucius from Narcissa, who had deemed that there was a task she needed to complete and had left the baby in his care. Davina had opened her bright eyes at him and he was enraptured in her gaze. The innocence in her eyes and the way that she had flashed him the brightest gummy smile he had ever seen in his life. 

Lucius could feel his heart break at the thought of his Gryffindor daughter. It wasn't like he actually had a problem with the house, but it was the future that worried him. Everyone knew that the dark lord wasn't dead and he was to return. What would their lord say to him when he realised that his ward was a Gryffindor and that he had supported it? He couldn't disappoint his lord like that. He wouldn't let his lord think him a traitor. 

"We'll talk more about this later," Lucius stated, turning around venturing further into the crowd. All Narcissa could do was look at his back and watch as he slowly faded into a tiny dot amongst the sea of people. She could only pray that her husband wasn't desperate enough to abandon his kids to please a blood thirsty man. She sighed wishfully before turning outside the window to glance at her kids, who were now sitting together and watching the unicorns. Davina had her head on Draco's shoulder and Draco appeared to be luring the girl into a sleep by explaining the different qualities of a unicorn.

The conversation was never spoken of again. 

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