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IT HAPPENED SO fast. One moment there was quiet and then there was laughing. It wasn't the nice kind of laughing either but the awful kind that mocked you in your nightmares.

Next to the Black lake, there was a tree that stood tall and proud. Everyone sat there and it was a popular spot for many kids to sit and study. Children climbed the tree and skipped rocks by the roots.

But if you walked away from the tree - further away from the tree and the crowd - there was a small land of grass and a smaller tree there. Not many knew about it because it was a good swimming point in the black lake. No one dared to enter the lake because of the giant squid but this small area was great for swimming.

Davina and Harry had stumbled upon it in their second year and it had become a frequent thing for them to do. Soon people began to question why the two would end up coming back to the castle wet and more people found the spot and enjoyed it.

Davina had been swimming there, enjoying the feeling of the water collapsing on top of her. Of being submerged under the water with no air, no people. Just her.

But then she heard it. The cruel laughing.

She was quick the exit her alcove and find out what was going on. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't a pleasant sight.

Severus was tied upside down, hanging and waving his arms around, yelling curses as the boys continued to laugh and mock him. Regulus was no where in sight and Remus was standing towards the side, tears in his eyes.

Davina wanted to scream at him. That was his friend in the tree being teased by his other friends. It finally made sense. Those people were his first friends and Remus must have thought that defending Severus would be telling his friends that they meant nothing to him.

"What the fuck is going on?" Lily screamed, entering the middle of the circle that had formed. Davina squeezed her eyes tight before hurrying over to the crowd.

"Oh come on lily-pad, you don't have to defend this greasy git," James cooed. Lily turned red in the face and looked as if she was going to punch him.

"Potter!" She screamed. Sirius came forward cackling before swinging an arm around Lily gesturing at the scene in front of her.

"Let. go. of. me" she ground out, clenching her jaw.

"Evans," Sirius tsked. "He isn't worth it."

Lily looked like she wanted to scream but before she could a hand lightly touched hers. She turned back to see Davina standing behind her, eyes glaring at the boys in front of her. Lily would never admit it but she was glad that Davina was there. She was always standing up for Severus by herself and it was nice to finally have support from someone else.

"Ahh Davina!" James cheered. "Here to enjoy the show?"

Davina responded with a cold glare that made James's smile falter slightly.

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