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"I TALKED TO my brother and you've been accepted into Hogwarts" Aberforth brought up on the 31st of August

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"I TALKED TO my brother and you've been accepted into Hogwarts" Aberforth brought up on the 31st of August.

It had taken Davina a while to adjust to her new life in the past and she could confirm that it was strange. Without having to worry constantly about being attacked Davina found herself unsure of what to do in her spare time. Though she had recently discovered that alcohol and cigarettes were her definite friends when it came to coping.

When it got really bad some nights she'd drink herself drunk until she was completely blacked out. That way she didn't have to dream about anything or anyone until the morning when she dealt with a massive hangover.

"I'm not sure I can do this" she spoke, doubt laced in her tone. As quickly as she expressed her thoughts it was immediately knocked down.

"You are the only one capable for this job" Aberforth stated. In the short amount of time, he had known the girl it was easy to say that she was incredibly strong to still be moving.

She nodded as if to reassure herself that she could do it. She's Davina fucking Black. She could do anything and she could most definitely get her father and his friends to hate her.

When she went to bed that night she found herself unable to sleep. Her head was preoccupied with what if's and hesitations. She considered drinking herself to sleep but didn't want her first impression to be an alcoholic.

On the note of her being a vampire, they both decided to test out the theory and see what would happen. So Aberforth smuggled some blood from a muggle London hospital and placed it in a cup. He didn't have time to ask any questions because Davina was leaping for the cup and downing every drop of the rich substance.

After some further research, Davina found that Vampires only needed to feed twice a month on human blood and twice a week on animals. Even though twice a month sounded like very little, it was the bare minimum that allowed her to interact with humans. She still needed to eat human food to keep her nutrition up from the limited amount of blood but it was better than nothing.

The school had been notified of her condition and allowed the girl to ask Madam Pomfrey for a blood bag whenever she was in need of one. Davina had to say, the school was doing surprisingly well to accommodate the needs of creatures.

Soon enough, morning came and Davina was all packed and ready to head to school. She'd be in her fifth year with the rest of the Marauders and co. She smiled happily at the idea of being back at Hogwarts but couldn't stop the ongoing fear as well. She was scared that she would react in a bad way and that would cause mass suspicion.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Aberforth who stood leaning on her doorframe.

"You'll be fine kiddo" he reassured, sending a smile her way. She nodded back halfheartedly but continued to gnaw on her lip.

"Hey," he said, gaining her attention. "I'm right here in Hogsmeade if you need me and if anyone gives you problems, you show 'em who's boss" he claimed which brought out a slight laugh from Davina.

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