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"We're free!" Maisie screamed, bursting into the great hall

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"We're free!" Maisie screamed, bursting into the great hall. Some of the students in the hall smiled at the girl while the fifth years cheered in response.

"It wasn't that bad," Lily said, but shut up when she saw the glares she was receiving.

"Lily I love you," Marlene groaned. "But that was near easy! I'm pretty sure I flunked charms"

"I found potions hardest" Alice stated, huddling close to Lily who reassured her that she did fine.

"What about you Davie?" Maisie asked.

"Ancient Runes was a pain" Davina groaned, riffling through her bag to pull out a chocolate bar. She flung one at Remus before walking over to Regulus.

"Why-" Marlene started but was stopped when James and Sirius dragged the boy. Remus attempted to struggle but stopped when he saw that his efforts were literally doing nothing against the quidditch players. 

"She knows?" Sirius asked. 

"She knows!" James said exasperated. "How does she know?" 

"I don't know?" Remus said. "She just figured it out"

"She just figured it out?" Sirius echoed. 

"Look, Davina is a lot smarter than she looks," Remus said, a frown on his face. "She figured out my condition and promised not to tell anyone." Remus cringed slightly at the end. She hadn't technically promised to keep any secrets but he only hoped that the girl had enough respect. Plus, he knew that she was a vampire, so the worst-case scenario was that he told everyone and then let the scene unfold. 

"Still, sounds fishy to me" Sirius muttered and James nodded in agreement. Little Peter watched the two other students nod their heads and eagerly nod his. "She hasn't been here long and somehow figured it out?"

"Stop overthinking" Remus shushed. "She just did, leave it be," and with that Remus walked over to the girls who were discussing their transfiguration exam.

"It wasn't that bad" Davina whined. Regulus gave her an upfront look before shushing her with a pat on the head. 

"You're from the future, you don't get a say" he dismissed. Davina huffed before nodding her head in slight acknowledgement. The exam paper was pretty much the same apart from a few weird questions. 

"I still stand by-"

Davina was interrupted when a beautiful woman approached them. Her blonde hair was twirled into a nice braid and she held herself in proper pureblood etiquette. She was dressed in proper wizarding proves and her face revealed nothing, just as she wanted. 

"Regulus" the girl greeted. 

"Narcissa" Regulus nodded back. 

"Lucius is looking for you." Regulus nodded his head before kissing Davina on the forehead and heading off to look for the other albino. 

"Hi," Davina said, holding her hand out for a handshake. Narcissa looked at her hand and wrinkled her nose slightly. She nodded her head before turning around and walking back to where she had come from. 

Davina couldn't help but let out a laugh, Narcissa was still the same as a teenager. She had always had the habit of dismissing people like that and wrinkling her nose when she saw something that she disagreed with or strongly disliked. 

It did hurt a little. To see the mother figure in her life dismiss her as much but she couldn't help but be glad. With what she was doing, younger her would never have to live under the looming dangers that came with staying at the Malfoys, she'd never have to live with a misogynistic family, never know what the cruciatus curse felt like. 

But there was another side that younger her would miss. Sneaking cookies with Draco on Christmas Eve, sitting in front of the fireplace while Narcissa would brush the knots out of her hair humming some pureblood french song, crawling into Draco's bed whenever she had a nightmare. 

Though Lucius and she never got along when she was sorted into Gryffindor, there was a time when she was younger when she'd been daddy's girl. When she was young, the older man had a soft spot for her and she had admired that man, following her around like a lost puppy. When she's gotten scared as a small babe, she'd crawled into Lucius's arms and he'd wrapped his around hers and whisper that everything was alright and that he'd protect her. Or the time when she'd fallen over playing outside and Lucius would rock her and tell her that she was his brave little girl and he was proud of her. 

She tried her best to forget those memories. It hurt more than she could remember when Lucius had completely dismissed her after her 1st year. She remembered crying herself to sleep and only seeking comfort in Draco's embrace where he'd tell her that he was sure his father was just pretending. She never did find out. She doubted his words though, after his first torture session with her, she doubted that the man she knew was still there. 

She wanted to forget, she really did but it was impossible. She tried to replace the man with her actual father Sirius but it never worked. Sure Sirius was a great father figure, but he wasn't the one she'd cry to when scared, not the one she'd crawl into bed with when she saw something in the shadow.

Lucius would always be her first father. 

Shaking her head, she released the thoughts that clouded her mind. She didn't want to divulge into that time, she wouldn't. 

She walked away from her place at the Slytherin table. She had to get back on track and the next part of her plan was coming together. 

First, she had a meeting to arrange with Severus.

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