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DAVINA WOKE UP uneasy that morning

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DAVINA WOKE UP uneasy that morning. She knew what had to be done but she couldn't shake off the dread that flooded her.

"You can do this," she whispered to herself, attempting to reassure herself. "You have too."It wasn't really working.

"Well lucky for you, you have me," a voice interrupted.

She turned around the find Regulus leaning on the door frame of her room. She attempted to smile at boy but it came out as a grimace.

"Thanks Reggie," the girl said softly, sharing a soft smile. It suddenly hit her that Reggie was in her room.

"Aberforth let me in" Regulus explained, as if noticing her expression.

She nodded her head before passing the boy and walking down the stairs. She could hear Regulus following her but made no move to look back and check.

Aberforth was by the counter but seemed to sense the tense mood. He of course had a rough idea on what was going on but Davina never explained in exact detail. Why? He didn't know but he could only show his support to her and encourage her.

Aberforth liked to think of Davina as his daughter of a sort. Aberforth knew that the feeling wasn't recuperated due to her heavy issues with past father figures but couldn't help as if she needed someone, whether she was aware or not.

"We'll be out for a while" Davina stated.

For trying to obtain a Horcrux that day, there was no real fear emitting from her. Nervousness yes, but she found they she wasn't scared. What was there to be scared about? She'd fought in war, been tortured, lost her loved ones yet she still remained strong.

"Alright" Aberforth stated, smiling reassuringly at the boy behind Davina. So lost in her own nervousness, she failed to pick up Regulus's fear. The poor boy knew very little about Horcruxes yet trusted Davina enough to put himself in such a position. Despite all of this, he was scared. There was so many things that could happen and most of them didn't have a positive outcome.

Davina dragged the boy by his hand and pulled him to open space in front of them. She thought that when she traveled back in time, all her memories and talents would wither away and she'd become a new person. To her surprise and luck, she came back with everything she had in the future. Including her apparition skills.

"You be safe alright" Aberforth claimed, looking Davina straight in the eye.

She smirked. "Don't I always"

And with that she whisked away.

The cave was dark. Regulus couldn't help the shudder that flooded over him. It was wet and cold and it reminded him very much of the nightmares he'd have. They would be off his manor, but without his brother it was hard to find joy in such a house.

"Davina..." Regulus trailed. The girl paid him no mind, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out a dagger. She had a grim look on her face and turned to look at Regulus with apprehension. 

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