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THE SOUND OF the Hogwarts express rushed through the Hogsmeade station, sounding its arrival with a loud blaring horn

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THE SOUND OF the Hogwarts express rushed through the Hogsmeade station, sounding its arrival with a loud blaring horn. Children bustled of the train, though there were a very little amount of first years this year. Not that anyone could question. With the impending war, people were unsettled and preferred to remain sheltered and safe or spend their last time with their family. 

Remus got off the train with a laugh, lugging an arm over Maisie's shoulder before following the rest of the crew back to Hogwarts. The group had grown closer in the holiday and decided that it was their last year. Nothing was holding them back. 

"Hurry up Blair!" Maisie said. "I have a certain somebody to yell at"

Blair just chuckled in response. "I'm sure Davina was right to be busy. She has her NEWTS this year and I'm glad she's studying." 

Maisie just huffed in response before dragging Remus after her. She knew the man was just as excited as her to see the girl but he definitely hid it a lot better than she did. As they reached the entrance hall, Maisie glanced around in a hurry, trying her best to spot Davina but came up short-handed. 

"Can anyone see her?" She asked, frustration seeping into her voice. Remus himself looked but much like Maisie, was unable to find the dark haired girl. 

"Maybe she's running late" Lily reassured, trying to make sure no one worried. She was calm. She had to be. 

"Yeah," Sirius said, his eyebrows furrowing. "Maybe." 

The dinner was painful and slow and the group of worried children wanted news or some sign that their friend was at Hogwarts, or safe at least. After dinner they walked up to Dumbledore's office himself and entered, desperate to find Davina. 

"Children," Dumbledore said, peering down through his half-moon spectacles. 

"Professor," Blair rushed out. "Is Davina here?" 

They watched nervously as Dumbledore's eyebrows furrowed and his lips turned into a slight frown. It was only for a brief moment before a collected expression filtered onto his face. 

"Davina Evergreen?" Dumbledore hummed. "I thought you all were aware?"

"Aware of what?" Remus growled. He was scared shitless something bad had happened to the girl but he wasn't going to jump to conclusions without evidence. Dumbledore's lack of getting straight to the point was frustrating him and not helping. 

"Ms. Evergreen informed the school in regards to pulling out." 

There was a deafening silence. No one said a word but stared in utter loss of words. She hadn't mentioned anything about leaving school and made every indication to show that she would come back and join them for their last year. The seventh years left the office in silence and continued to the common room in the same mood. They all sat by the fire and stayed deep within their own thoughts. Except Peter of course, he didn't mind that Davina wasn't coming back. She scared him. 

"She never sent a letter." 

Everyone turned to Maisie. Her brows were knitted in anger, eyes tearing with unshed tears. 

"She never sent us a letter! She told us she would but she never sent us a goddamn letter. We never met up and hung out like we said we would and she never sent us post and we never bothered to check in. What type of friend just assumes that she wanted to study? She was Davina fucking Evergreen! She didn't study for shit. And to think-" 

She was cut off by Sirius, who'd wrapped the poor girl up in a hug, allowing her to let out the tears she had been trying to keep inside. 

"Why didn't she tell me?" 

Sirius smoothed a hand over her hair. He pulled away from her and rubbed his thumbs along her cheekbones, collecting the fallen tears and brushing them away. 

"I think something's going on." 

Maisie looked at Sirius. The other were still around watching but he had her undivided attention. 

"When we left last year, she told me to be careful. I didn't think anything of it but she looked so lost in her thoughts I- I just never realised." 

"It wasn't your fault mate" James claimed, patting Sirius on the back. None of us would've realised. 

They were left in a silence before Remus suddenly got up. 

"But I know someone who would." 


"What do you know?" 

Regulus wasn't surprised in the slightest. Davina was gone and her friends were left in the dark, much like she requested. He thought it was stupid of course, but couldn't blame her for doing what she did. 

"About what?" He played off nonchalantly.

"Davina," Remus growled. "Where is she?"

Regulus snorted. 

"If she's not here then how would I know?" 

Remus grabbed the boy by the colour of his shirt, yanking him off the ground. He was furious. Davina was missing and this boy was messing with him? Did he not understand the amount of worry and concern the friends had for her. Before he could do much, Sirius stepped in between, placing a hand on Remus's shoulder. Remus turned to look at him before sighing and putting Regulus down. Not before glaring of course. 

"Reggie," Sirius started but stopped as if to recollect his thoughts. "Look we don't want much but Davina's our friend." 

Regulus looked his brother straight in the eye, a cold and blank look on his face but his eyes showed his interest. 

"Davina's missing and we don't know where and why she left. Everyone's worried about her - so if you do know something. Anything at all. Please just tell us." 

There was a tone of desperation. He could hear it as clear as day and he was taken aback by it. Sirius was never desperate. Not even for him. So why did this person mean so much to him? He didn't know of their relation so how is it that deep within his subconscious, he'd developed such a place for her in his heart.  

Regulus remained quiet so the our Gryffindors took it as a sign to leave. Maisie had misty eyes and Blair looked downright saddened. Before they could get pretty far a voice stopped them. 

"I don't know where she is." Regulus said. The group turned to look at him and he sighed before gathering himself. He straightened out his shirt and ran his fingers through his hair. 

"I don't know where she is," he repeated. "But what I do know is that she doesn't want to be found."

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