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TODAY WAS THE day. She was sure of it. Everybody would be at the Christmas dinner and she had already put it off for too long.

"You can do this" Davina muttered to herself, walking into the Room of Requirement.

Davina herself was unable to find any difference in the room. It looked the exact same as it did all those years into the future. There was clutter everywhere yet she found the messy comforting.

"Okay, how am I going to do this?" She mumbled quietly.

"Accio Ravenclaw diadem" she tried, yet nothing came at her. She huffed in frustration before giving up and walking around. There was a lot of stuff and she couldn't help but wander around and look at the objects she found. 

"Oh my gosh," she let out a laugh. In her hand was a muggle stuffed bear. She could almost recall having a bear exactly like that. She had no idea how she got it, but she remembered her days with the Malfoy's and how the bear had been the only company she had to reveal all her secrets to. 

She chucked the bear back and continued her search. She was about to give up until she saw a slight glimmer among a row of books. Approaching cautiously, Davina removed several books to see the diadem in all its glory. 

"Jackpot!" she whispered, a grin flitting on her face. She cautiously grabbed the small crown and quickly placed it into the container, shutting it quickly. Davina let out a laugh, jumping around with a huge smile on her place 

"One down, 4 more to go" she cheered, giddily hopping from foot to foot. She rushed to her dorm as fast as she could, narrowly avoiding the marauders, before throwing the container into her trunk. She had cast the spells beforehand just in case something happened, she didn't want to risk it. 

She had time to spare so she decided to attend the Christmas dinner. 

Christmas dinner was very important to her. She spent it at Hogwarts every year cause she hated going back to the Malfoy's and Harry the Dursley's. Their Christmas's were spent with each other and soon enough they became more family than friends. 

"Davina" Remus yelled. She turned to look at the man in question before furrowing her eyebrows. Remus beckoned for her to sit with them, but she sat alone at the far end of the table, where she normally sat with her friends. 

She piled some random food, not forgetting the mashed potato before eating small amounts of it. After a while, she just poked and prodded around with the food. She missed her friends, the random jokes from Ron, Hermione's constant pestering, the silly comments Harry would say under his breath that would make her laugh until tears sprang in her eyes. A small sad smile filtered on her face when she realised that her friends were no longer there and the only people she had were theoretically their parents. 

She was interrupted by her thoughts when a Remus bloody Lupin slid into the seat across from her. She gave him a questioning glance to which he replied with a slight smile in return. 

"Is this alright?" he asked, gesturing to the space between them. She nodded her head in approval, releasing that her senses weren't overwhelming her to jump him. Soon enough, the rest of his friends followed and the silence that filled them was uncomfortable. 

Davina cleared her throat. "How's everyone's Christmas?" 

There was a murmur of goods before the silence overlapped them again. Davina sat completely still and tried not to move a muscle. She was scared that the movement would alert them and that would break the tense atmosphere. They continued to sit silently before Davina got sick and tired of it. 

"Okay, I'm gonna go" she jumped, getting out of her seat. She rushed out of the great hall before any of the boys could interrupt and decided to call it an early night. She had gotten her first Horcrux and she applauded herself on the breakthrough. She had a feeling that some professors, mainly McGonagall, were growing suspicious and she hated the pressure it put on her. She was already struggling with keeping it a secret from literally the whole school and her friends as well as the pressure of gaining the Horcruxes.

Besides the point, it was good news. Phase three was complete and she could now move on to the next one. The hardest one in all honesty. 

Phase 4 - Get Regulus Black and Severus Snape to understand

The phase could definitely be worded a lot better but she honestly had no clue what she was doing. She needed to tell Regulus and Severus about the future and she needed them to help her obtain the other Horcruxes. 

She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She had just got one of them, a job very well done and she needed to give herself a break. One step at a time. 

Back in the Great Hall, the rest of the marauders were piling question after question on poor Remus.

"What'd you do that for?"

"What was that?"

"Did she blackmail you?"

"Are you under a love spell"

"I'm going to murder her!"

"Do you like her?"

All the questions left Remus blood red and stuttering to answer. 

"O-Okay holdup. first, I did that because it is Christmas, no one deserves to be alone. I think that answers the second question, I'm not sure?" He answered scratching the back of his neck. "No, she did not blackmail me, I am not under a love spell, please do not murder her and- and what was the last one?"

"Do you like her?" Peter asked quietly. 

"N-no! Of course not, why would you think that?"

"Mate, you just offered for her to sit next to us. Yesterday you were literally at her throat" James said, eyes wide to emphasise his statement. 

"It's bloody Christmas!" He exclaimed. "I didn't want her to feel lonely" 

"mhmm" Sirius hummed, not even the slightest bit convinced. 

"You guys are dicks" Remus huffed, shoving down food before jumping out of his seat and exiting the Great Hall. 

"Wait Remus, it's Christmas, we don't want you to be alone" James mocked, earning a flipped middle finger from Remus. The boys chortled at their friend before they dissolved into a quiet talk which faded into eventual nothing. All of a sudden James's eyes widened astronomically and he gasped. 

"Wait a second- Did he call her Davina?"

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