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The holidays had slowly withered away until there was nothing left to do but prepare for school

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The holidays had slowly withered away until there was nothing left to do but prepare for school. The days blurred together and Davina found herself longing for the company of her old friends. Sure Maisie and Blair visited when they could, but that didn't stop her from wanting to hear Hermione's calming voice or Ron's nonsense whining.

The highlight of her holiday had probably been the frequent visits she got from Severus. Knowing that his uncle worked there had definitely added to the visits but it was nice to have company. Snape was so different from how she remembered him. The grumpy old man from the future was now a shy and sweet child.

Maisie and Blair were a whole other story. Morton had taken a huge disliking to Maisie after she had repeatedly told him that he reminded her of her estranged uncle Donny, who was in jail for drugs. Blair on the other hand was a complete angel. The sweet child helped around the kitchen as much as she could and Aberforth was even considering allowing her to work there.

Fortunately for Davina's impatient ass, the holidays came to an end and she found herself dressed in her Hogwarts robes and waiting for the other students. She herself was excited for her sixth year. In the future, her six year had been stressful with her cousins secret plotting but she found the course work and practicals rather enjoyable.

"Vina!" Someone screamed, jumping on top of her. Davina grunted but remained up tall in order to catch the other woman that lay hugging her. She smiled lightly when she was Maisie's grinning face looking right at her with a glint in her eyes.

"Hey Mace" she greeted, returning the hug. She allowed the younger girl to ramble about the remainder of her holidays while Davina listened and replied.

"Well look who it is" Sirius said with a smirk. Davina rolled her eyes before nodding her head in greeting. She glanced at all the boys and noticed how they'd all grown and now stood at least a head above her, Remus being the tallest.

Remus was an entirely different case though. The boy had gone through a major glow up and he looked like a greek god. His face had lost his child fat and become more sharp and narrow, showcasing his magnificent cheekbones and jawline. His hair now flopped across his eyes but with a nudge of his fingers they returned back to place. There were a couple of scars that ran along his cheeks but Davina found that she liked them a lot and rathered them there. She thought it made him look more rugged.

She shook her head lightly and tried not to let the dark red blush bloom on her cheeks by distracting herself.

"Good to see you too Black" she replied, smirking back. The friends all ventured back to the castle together and boarded the carriaged. Davina didn't look at the horses but most of the friends that accompanied her did.

"Still can't get over those things" Remus shuddered. Davina just smiled quietly. Thestrals had always been a favourite of hers, maybe for their acknowledgment to what she had lost of their serenity.

The carriage ride was filled with giggles and laughs and Davina had to stop often to remember that she was in the past and these people were most likely parents of people she knew, people that were most likely dead. She felt rude when she talked to James rather than Lily but it was her eyes that spooked her. They were almost identical to Harry's and looking into them made her think she was looking into his and a rush of emotions flooded her, swamping her into feelings she didn't want to feel.

She felt a hand over hers and looked to see the rest of the carriage still talking and laughing. She noticed that the hand on top of hers was calloused yet still gentle. She smiled lightly at Remus and turned her hand so that it was palm upwards and laced their fingers, gently squeezing her hand to show her appreciation.

Nothing about Hogwarts had changed over the break. The castle still stood as mighty as it had been last year and she could still feel the loving embrace of the tall castle when she entered. She smiled slightly at the feeling before allowing her hand to lightly graze the wall of the castle to show her gratitude.

She watched as all the little kids got sorted and clapped when the young ones went into Gryffindor. She smiled at the excited children and was more than happy to indulge them in whatever they were interested in, even doing exaggerated expressions.

Soon enough dinner was done and everyone retired to the common room. The prefects told all the first years everything they needed to know and then they were shipped of to their bedrooms. The older years stayed down though and Davina and her friends shared around a bottle of alcohol.

"This stuff never gets old" James sighed, taking a long gulp of the liquid. There was a hum of agreement before they lapsed into a comfortable silence again. 

"So 6th year...?" Remus murmured. No one was said worried about it being their 6th year, some were even excited but Davina herself was worried. She had this year and a little of the next to collect all the Horcruxes and destroy them and in order to get one of them she needed Regulus and Severus to give her a helping hand. 

"Who's ready for a year of fun and stress?" Maisie toasted. There were a wide variety sounds of agreement before it dissolved into quiet talking. Davina couldn't help but agree wholeheartedly to the statement. 

After all, the demise of her new friends was nearing. Slowly but surely. 

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