Chapter 001

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In the examination department of the hospital.

A doctor in a white coat said in a serious tone, "Congratulations! Mr. Easton, you are pregnant."

Herman Easton nodded calmly and pointed out the window, "What's that? Doctor."

The doctor glanced at it and said, "The Sun."

Herman Easton pointed in another direction and asked, "What about this?"

"It's a clock."

Herman Easton nodded one more and pointed at himself. "What about this?"

"A person."

"What kind of person?"

The doctor looked at him and replied, "A man?"

"All the answers are correct. It seems to me that you are in a sound state of mind." Herman Easton's fingers were tapping the seat rhythmically. "Then, please repeat the sentence you first said."

"....." The doctor looked at his handsome face and said again, "Mr. Easton, Congratulations. As a man, you are pregnant."

Herman Easton, "....."

"I'm sorry." He took a deep breath and put on a fake smile. "I think you must be kidding me."

The doctor looked at him. After a while, he sighed and said, "I know you may not be willing to believe it, but this is a fact. The shadow in this image is the fetus in your belly that has not yet formed."

The doctor replied as he printed out an image from the computer and gave it to him.

Herman Easton looked at the image solemnly and asked, "Are you sure it's not a tumor?"

"No", answered the doctor. "This is a child."

Herman Easton pointed to the sun outside again. "What's that?"

The doctor was furious. "I'm not stupid. This is indeed a child! I swear with my sex life of my next life."

"....." Herman Easton was stunned. "Are you serious? How is this possible? I am a man!"

"Of course I know you are a man, but I have to show you that a man can have a baby!" The doctor's voice become calm again. He took out a report from the drawer and said, "This is a report from all the countries around the world. You are not the first one to have a baby, and you will definitely not be the last."

Looking at the report in front of him, Herman Easton was dumbfounded.

So far, there had been more than 130 cases of men bearing children in various countries all over the wolrd!

And the most amazing example; a man from a homosexual relationship gave birth to four babies at once. He had laid claim to the title of "The best man in the world!" - the best fertility!

The reports were complied with lots of photos. Photos that were taken with the babies after births had taken place. Each of the couples were smiling from ear to ear!

However, Herman Easton looked as though he was about to cry.

How? How could this be possible? Was he dreaming?

Could it be that he was out of his mind, so now he began to have this ridiculous dream?

"Doctor .....?" Herman Easton trembled and said, "Please give me a pinch. I want to wake up. I can't do it myself."

"Mr. Easton, this is not a dream. It's true. Please be calm. It's just a child. You can do it!" The doctor said in encouragement. "When your baby is born, I will also take photos with you so you can always remember that amazing day!"

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