Chapter 13

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Louis POV

"So, what's this I hear about you having found your 'mystery girl'?" I looked up from my desk to see Sam walking into the office, and I couldn't help smiling at the thought of my mystery girl.


"Well, it's true," I confirmed. "And I couldn't exactly make people keep searching for her when I've already found her." He walked towards me and sat on the chair opposite me. He leaned his arms on his knees and looked at me. There were a few beats of silence and I looked back down at the paper on my desk.

"Well?" I blinked up at Sam.


He rolled his eyes. "Are you going to tell me about your mystery girl?" 

I smiled and was about to go on a rant about how great Ava is, but I stopped myself. What if she didn't want me to tell people? Would she be angry with me? Would she avoid me? It already took so long to find her, and she wasn't even trying to avoid me. How difficult would it be if she did?

I looked up in thought, before shaking my head. "Nah, I'll keep her a mystery for now." I laughed as Sam leaned back in his chair with a groan.

"Oh, come on! After three weeks of getting ridiculous phone calls, I don't even get to know anything about her?" He complained.

Well...maybe a few facts wouldn't hurt.

"Ok, ok, fine. I'm only going to tell you a little bit about her though, so be grateful!" I pointed at him with a smile and he nodded his head eagerly. 

"I found her last night and she is..." I sighed. "Everything I remember and more."

"Wait, wait, hold up. Were you hanging out with her today? Is that why you weren't here?" Sam asked, and I gave him a head tilt and smile. He let out a laugh.

"Man, you spent one night with her, and you got hooked," he joked.

"But wait; how do you know she wasn't lying about being your girl?" I gave him a smile and rose from my chair. I walked over to the coat stand by the wall and tossed him the jacket from the ball. He caught it with ease and held it in front of himself.

"Damn, you really did find her," he mumbled as he continued observing the jacket.

"Yeah, and I forgot to thank you for all your help with the calls and stuff. I really appreciate it-"

"Did you take money to the ball?" My eyebrows furrowed as I sat back down in my chair.

"No, why do you ask?" Sam's hand moved slowly as it went to the chest pocket of the jacket. I watched confused as he pulled out money. The notes slid through his fingers as he counted the money.

"Are you sure? There's 104 bucks in here," my eyebrows furrowed further for a moment until realisation hit me like a truck. That sneaky little girl. I laughed as I rolled my tongue against the inside of my cheek while Sam watched on confused.

So much for it taking a little while.

* * * * *


Another early morning, another sleepless night.

I set up all the equipment for the stand as I did every morning, and it was 5:40 by the time I was done. I spent the rest of the time on my phone as I sat on my chair.

A couple customers came and went, and I was organising the fruits on the trays for the third time that morning. I sat back down with a yawn as I pulled out my phone.

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