Chapter 40

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We had been inseparable the past few days. Louis had been coming over more and more often, at work and at home. He still had to make public appearances and do his princely duties, but he still managed to give me attention of some sort. Whether that be a quick smile or a wink, it always made me smile.

Today was another one of those days. He had to make a public appearance - and surprise surprise - he was at my work. It was so sweet though; the amount of effort he put into seeing me. It just makes me want to walk over to him and kiss him in front of everyone. But I have to restrain myself.

I wish I could act on impulses though, because then I would kiss that man senseless.

His guards walked alongside him down the market trail, weapons held firmly in their grasp. As I watched Louis walk, smiling at everyone he passed, I couldn't help feeling a sense of pride.

As soon as Louis turned in my direction, he sent me a smile, bigger than the ones he had given other people, and my heart fluttered.

"Damn, girl, he's got it bad." I shot Olivia a glare before gawking back at Louis.

"And he's not the only one." She teased. I rolled my eyes, but I let myself smile. No point denying the truth. I saw Louis look back over at me, and our gazes met. Even after being with him for so long, I still felt like the world around us faded away when we look at each other.

Something flashed in Louis' eyes, but it was gone in an instant. I wished he could come over to me, but then that would make our relationship oh so obvious. And he wouldn't want that.

He gave me a final subtle smile before turning his attention back to the screaming crowd.

"A, seriously, stop gawking at your boyfriend." I sighed tiredly, but tore my eyes from my further moving away boyfriend to my slightly annoying friend.

"Do you need something, Liv?" I asked, already exhausted with the conversation.

"Yeah, I need you to stop sending lovey-dovey eyes at Louis, please."

"No, that's fine, because then she might finally confess her love to her prince charming," Quin said the last part dramatically, looking up to the sky for extra effect.

I rolled my eyes. "I think Olivia's rubbing off on you."

She shrugged. "But it's true."

I heaved a sigh. "I don't have time for this. I'm at work."

"You can't keep ignoring your feelings for him, it's so annoying." Olivia groaned.

"I'm not ignoring it, I am simply at work and have customers to take care of."

She scoffed lightly. "What custom-"

"Hello, could I get these please?" A man in a black hood stopped in between the two in front of the table. I gave Olivia a smile and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she sighed, exasperated, "we'll get going then." She grabbed Quinnie's hand and turned around. "See you after work." I waved them goodbye before paying my attention back to the customer in front of me.

"Hi, what can I help you with?" I smiled, pulling Louis' jacket closer to my body.

"I want to get these." He set a variety of fruits on the table, and I swiped them up and put them into a bag.

"Will that be all?" I asked as I put the bag of fruits back on the table.

"Yeah." He said, grabbing some money from his wallet placing them on the table, and swiping the bag before walking off.

I grabbed the money and counted it, making sure there was enough, but I noticed an envelope in between the notes. "Sir, you left..." I called out and looked up, but he was long gone.

I looked back at the envelope, deciding whether or not I should open it. I mean, he did leave it here, and I tried to give it back to him, so I can see what was inside it, right?

Well, I'll just open it, and if it looks important, I can try giving it back to him again.

I tore it open gently, hesitating for a second before I took out its contents. There was a letter and some pictures. I decided to look at the letter later and went straight to the pictures.

I looked at the first one. It was a close-up of a lady through a window. I looked at the woman more closely and my stomach dropped.

It was me.

I looked at the next one. It was the same as the first, except I was staring out the window this time.

Was that the flashing I saw before? It had to be.

My eyes flipped to the next photo, and my stomach sunk even more. Louis was in this one. He was holding me in the air with my arms wrapped around his neck. His hood was off, and you had a clear view of his face.

The next was us again. Kissing. It was at the ball where I officially met Louis' parents. You couldn't see all of our faces because of the masks, but it was obvious we were kissing. And Louis' blonde hair and exquisite clothes are too difficult to miss.

The next two made me gasp.

It was on the same day, but it was at the lowest point of the night. Louis was holding the man by the collar of his shirt against the wall in the first one, and punching him in the next.

I went through the pictures, again and again, trying to see if I was looking at the pictures wrong. But I wasn't.

I wasn't seeing them wrong.

What even is this? Why would somebody have these?

I knew I shouldn't, but I had to read the letter. I knew there was probably something that I didn't want to read, but if somebody had these pictures, then there must be something about it in the letter.

"Hello!" I scrambled to hide the photos back in the envelope as a woman walked over to the table. "Could I get these fruits please?"

My heart hammered in my chest as I took the fruits from her hands.

I won't have time to read the note at work. I have to read it at home. Even though I'm tempted to just burn it so I don't have to see what it says.

Cause if it has something to do with the photos, I don't know what I'll do.

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