Chapter 35

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It had been a couple of days since I last saw Louis, and the stranger had called. It really eased my nerves, and I realised that Louis might be right. There was no chance that someone could know about us when we had been so careful.

But anyway, I hadn't seen Louis since that night, and normally I wouldn't like it, but it was different this time around. This was because Louis' birthday was soon.

And I had no idea what to get him.

What do you get for the prince who could have anything he wants?

"Maybe you could get him a pair of nice shoes," Liv suggested. I pulled a face.

"No, are you crazy? A pair of shoes?" I stopped my pacing to send her a look. She put her hands up in defense and I continued my pacing.

"Well, I don't know! You're the one dating him!" She slouched in her seat with a pout.

"What she means to say, A," Quin jumped in, "is that you know him better than the rest of us, and probably the most, so we can't really help you as much as you think."

I sat down with a defeated sigh. "I know. It's just that he could have anything he wants, so what could I possibly get him that he'll not already have?" I sighed.

"It's ok, A. You know him the best. He'll love whatever you get him." I gave Quinnie an appreciative smile.

"Thanks, you guys, but I think you'll have to go. I need to figure out what I'm gonna do."

Quin gave me a supporting smile and grabbed Liv's hand. "Sure. Good luck."

"I know what you could give him," Livia started quickly just as she had gone through the door. "You could give him a co-" The door slammed before she could finish, but I already knew what she was gonna say. I felt my cheeks flush at her idea.

It was the best idea I had so far though.

* * * * *

After hours and hours of thinking and pacing, I had ended up in my room, on my bed. I had mentally checked out on about hour a total of 6 hours.

And I had obviously gotten a total of zero ideas in that time.

I laid face first on my bed, my face on my pillow. I felt so tired and it wasn't even that late. I am such a terrible girlfriend.

"Ava? Are you in there, sweetie?" A knock sounded at my door.

"Yes," I called out, my voice muffled from the pillow. I lifted my head up and saw my mum come into my room. She gave me a small smile.

"Hi, Ava."

I tried to smile back, but it felt more like a grimace. "Hi, mum."

"Yikes, what's wrong?" She asked as she rolled over to my bed. My face fell back onto my pillow with a groan.

"It's Louis' birthday soon, and I have no idea what to get him," I explained.

"Ah." Was all she said, and I groaned again.

"I feel like I'm such a bad girlfriend. I don't even know what to get my boyfriend for his birthday."

My mum put her hand on my back and rubbed it soothingly. "Hey, no. You are not a bad girlfriend. It's your first birthday with him. It's not uncommon to feel stressed about getting him the right thing. The same thing happened with me and your father." I looked at my mum. She didn't talk about dad much anymore.

"I remember I felt so stressed out when it was his first birthday with him as my partner. But everything worked out in the end." She comforted with a nostalgic smile, her eyes off in the distance as she thought about the past. She quickly came back into focus and looked at me again.

"Basically, Ava, you don't need to worry about getting him the 'perfect gift'. He'll treasure anything you get him." I smiled softly at her, and she smiled back.

"Well, I should probably let you get some rest and sleep on it. You can't work on a fried brain," I laughed as she ruffled my head.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow," she said as she went to leave my room.

"Oh, and also," she looked over her shoulder and I looked back at her. "I was right."

I gave her a confused look and she chuckled. "About what?"

"About you two being good for each other." She left my room before I could respond. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. I guess she was.

And just like that, I had an idea.

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