Chapter 16

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I was positively stressing out.

I was meant to be going on a date with Louis in less than an hour, and I still hadn't chosen what I was going to wear. I know I told him that I wanted to dress comfortably, but I felt like that was too basic. Should I wear a dress? No, because then I wouldn't be comfy. That was the problem! Everything relatively fancy I had was uncomfortable, and anything basic was comfy. What was I going to do?!

A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You can come in, mum," I called out, my gaze focused on the two potential outfits on my bed. One was a knee-length green dress with a gold necklace, and the other was a black tank top and trackies with a jumper to match in case I got cold.

"Hey sweetie, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to figure out what I should wear for my date," I said, still not looking at her.

"Ah, right, your date with your mystery man," she teased and rolled to my side. She observed the clothing on my bed just like me, and we fell into a small, comfortable silence.

"Do you know where he's taking you?"

"No, but it's not a restaurant, which is why I can't decide. I mean," I pointed at the dress. "This looks fancy, and he would probably appreciate it if I dressed up, but this," I pointed to the comfier side, "I would prefer to wear this. I mean, it's comfy and looks nice enough for a first date." I sighed. "What should I wear?"

She hummed. "I think you should wear the more casual clothes. If you're finally going on a date with a man, he must be nice, so he shouldn't care what you wear. And if he does," she scoffed, "then there's no second date for him then, is there?" 

I laughed and hung the dress back up with the rest of my clothes in the small wardrobe. I didn't have a large variety of clothes, but I had enough.

"Thanks, mum," I reached down and gave her a hug. "I'll let you know where he takes me tomorrow, but right now I have to change. He's picking me up at eight." I ushered her out of my room and she laughed.

"Alright, alright, I'm going. Have a nice time, alright?" I sent her a smile.

"Yep. Goodnight!" I closed the door and locked it. I quickly made up for lost time, and I was ready by 7:56. I rushed downstairs and waited anxiously by the front door. That probably wasn't the best idea, because it just allowed my brain to overthink.

What if he didn't like what I was wearing? What if he changed his mind but couldn't tell me because he didn't have my number? What if he just did this all the play with me?

The reasonable part of my brain knew that these thoughts weren't true, but I couldn't thinking of the bad things that could happen.

I decided to spend the rest of my wait staring at the clock on my phone.




I had a mini heart attack when I heard knocks on the door at exactly 8, and I felt my heart hammering in my chest as I reached for the doorknob. I took a deep breath, and finally found the courage to open the door.

On the other side of the door stood Louis in a pair of black pants and t-shirt. He stood straight with his hands behind his back with a nervous smile on his face. The two of us stood in silence for a couple of moments, just drinking each other in.

"Good evening, princess," he broke the silence and smiled. "You look beautiful."

I scoffed. "Why, thank you. I just threw on the first thing I saw."

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