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When they arrived, Orion took Teddy out of his carrier. The baby was playing with a light up ball Orion had conjured when they left. His hair kept changing to match the colors and it was amusing for all of them. Before they even got inside, Rosalie rushed outside and greeted them.

She cooed at the small baby and had a dreamy look in her eyes. She Rosalie was also the happiest he's ever felt from her. "How are you doing Rosie?"

"I'm honestly happy. Thank you again Orion," she said sincerely. Orion blushed, but nodded. He was glad that he could do something for them. He wanted them to be happy. She walked back inside and motioned for us to follow her.

Edward smiled at his mate's thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder what his mate would look like with more children. He just seemed to have a natural instinct.

Orion blinked at the feel of love from Edward. He felt as if they were going too fast. He tried to think about it, but felt the mate Bond trying to tie them together forever. The mate Bond is obviously a majority of their relationship, but they do have genuine feelings towards each other.

Orion shook his head of those thoughts. He gave Draco a concerned look at his nerves. "Are you alright?"

"I'm not sure," he confessed. He gave a wary glance at the Cullen's house. "I am anxious to go inside."

Edward's head tilted to the side and listened to Jasper's thoughts. He was having the same reaction as Draco. Well, it looks like someone has found their true mate.

Orion was concerned but encouraged Draco to walk inside. He didn't know what was going on but had an idea from Edward.

Once they walked through the door, Draco and Jasper's eyes connected and everyone knew that Jasper had found his true mate. He had found the one he was meant for.

Orion was bemused at the entire situation. What a coincidence that they both found their mates here of all places? Fate loves to play with our lives it seems. Orion looked at Draco and noticed that he looked a little scared. "Rosalie can you take Teddy please?"

Rosalie didn't hesitate and took the baby. She went to the corner of the room, out of the way just in case things got out of hand. Orion went to Draco and put a hand on his shoulder. He heard a growl and stiffened. Orion closed his eyes and pushed calm emotions into everyone. He could feel his muscles tense and wanted everyone to calm down. It wouldn't be ideal for Jasper to lose his head and hurt his own mate. And if he went after Orion, Edward would go after Jasper. Once he felt everyone relax, he introduced Draco.

"This is Draco Black, my cousin," Orion said, but stumbled over his last name.

Draco, not like himself, awkwardly waved. You can tell he noticed what he did because he grimaced and straightened up. He gave a nod and said bluntly, "So you're my mate."

Orion choked back a laugh at the way he worded it. Technically Draco was Jasper's mate, but Draco wanted to take control of the situation. He still could feel Draco's nerves and knew that he was hiding behind his mask. He hoped that Jasper and Draco could help each other.

The silence in the room was broken by Emmett laughing. Just like that, the tension was broken. Jasper walked up to Draco and put a hand to his cheek. Orion looked away, feeling as if he was intruding on their moment. He and Edward walked towards the kitchen with the rest of the vampires.

Rosalie was seated on the chair, with Teddy in her help. He was still playing with the light up ball and it made everyone smile. It made them gasp to when he changed his hair to the different colors. "It's amazing that he could do that," smiled Carlisle.

A New Beginning (Harry Potter x Edward Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now