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Before the chapter begins, I want to say thank you so much for those who are reading this story. I saw that there are 1k views and 54 votes. I'm honestly shocked. It means so much to me that people are reading and liking this story. So thank you so much.💚💜

Get ready for a longer chapter than normal

Time skip to end of the school day because I'm impatient lmao

Orion walked out the school, happy that the day was finally over. He really needed to get his empathy under control. Edward won't always be there to help him and he needed to do it himself. At least Bella was completely avoiding him, but he felt Jasper and Emmetts absence all day. To be honest, Orion was worried about Alice. He's never encountered someone who can hide their feelings that well. Does she know someone who taught her that? Another vampire?

Orion was jolted out of his thoughts when he saw Edward by his car. "Where's Rosalie?" He asked while kissing Edward on the cheek in greeting.

Edward pulled Orion in a hug before he replied. "She went home to make sure nothing was going wrong. "

"Oh okay. I have to be heading back to. Severus is most likely already there."

Edward looked hesitant, but understood. "Okay, but come over as soon as you can. I know you don't have a phone, so you can always come to me."

Orion modded. "That's probably for the best. We need to tell Severus that we're around vampires and you showing up out of nowhere won't help."

They both laughed and said goodbye to each other. Orion kisses Edward on his cheek and went to his Jeep. Once Orion was in his Jeep, he saw that Edward was still looking at him. Orion winked and he drove away feeling his mates adoration.

Orion arrived to his house and rushed inside. He was excited to see Severus and to tell him about Edward. When he walked in the door, he also saw 2 people he wasn't supposed to see so soon. Neville and Luna.

Orion just stood there. He was internally kicking himself because he should have felt them. Orion was starting to panic , but tried to hide it. Fortunately, his dad saw this.

Sirius saw that Orion was seconds away from bolting and grabbed him in a hug. "Look who we have here! My only pup," he teased.

That made Orion smile and relax. "You're such a kid honestly."

Before Sirius could retort, Orion gathered his courage and greeted Neville and Luna with a hug. "It's great to see you guys."

"It's good to see you to Harry. Although I think you have something to tell us," Luna said dreamily. Orion was relieved they didn't mention his changed appearance.

I was surprised for a second before laughing awkwardly. Neville smiled, but I can feel his curiosity. However, Severus was giving off a feeling of dread.

Orion rolled his eyes. "Really Severus? It's not like I rode a dragon again or defeated a Dark Lord again."

Everyone burst out laughing except for Severus. He just scowled. He honestly didn't like how Orion could feel everything he did. "How am I supposed to feel? You are attracted to danger," Severus drawled out.

Sirius absolutely lost it at this. Orion's mouth dropped. He found it ironic that Severus said that because his soulmate is literally a vampire. Luna was giggling quietly while Severus and Neville were lost.

Sirius had to take a few deep breaths to get a hold of himself. "It's funny you say that Sevvy-" he was interrupted by a pillow hitting his face.

"I told you to not call me that you bloody dog," Severus practically shouted while turning pink.

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