Um What Just Happened?

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A/N: This story is coming to an end. I have about 4 more chapters planned. I want to say thank you for everyone who read and is reading this story. It means so much to me that you guys enjoy it! :)

Oh I forgot. Luna and Neville had went home a couple chapters ago. 


Edward immediately called out to Sirius and Severus when they arrived to the house. Orion looked to be better, but his heart beat was very faint. It scared Edward that Esme could cause this much damage. It's definitely a form of empathy, but more deadly. 

Sirius came rushing in with Severus at his heels. "What happened?" Sirius demanded.

He and Severus sat next to Orion and ran diagnostic charms. "He's dying," Severus said horrified. He felt guilt well up in him, but shook it off.

Edward and Sirius both recoiled at Severus' words. "What do you mean dying? What in the bloody hell happened Edward?" Sirius demanded again. His eyes held an insane edge and Edward took in a human breath.

"When you left with Teddy Orion was saying that when Aro dies, so will Alice. That it will be best to kill Alice before she could do more damage and put his family at risk. Rosalie, Carlisle, and Esme did not take kindly to this. Esme,' he hesitated and lightly brushed Harry's hair out of his pale face. 'Esme had unconsciously suffocated Orion."

Sirius' face was thunderous. Orion didn't need this after everything he's been through and after being accused of becoming a Dark Lord. No that just won't do Sirius thought.  Sirius stood and apparated out. Edward just hung his head, staring at his mate. He couldn't lose him. They needed to raise their son together. He needed to live.

Edward's eyes widened. "Where is Teddy?"

"He's sleeping in a cot upstairs in Orion's room," said Severus distractedly. He was busy casting spells to stabilize Orion. It was taking longer than usual. Whatever Esme did had drained him physically and mentally. His magic is low and he needed to stabilize it. Our magic is so finely tuned with wizards that the forced removal of it will kill the wizard. Severus wouldn't let that happen. Not after doubting Orion and his kind heart. 

Edward had let out a breath and strained his ears to hear his new son breathing. His hands twitched to go to him, but told himself his son was safe. His mate however, was not. His heart was still beating, but it was faint. His mom did this. The women who loved him after his turning, almost killed his mate. His instincts was screaming for vengeance and to be perfectly honest, he was close to giving in. As his mate's heatbeat stayed the same, he got even angrier. Growls were ripping out of his chest and he was seconds away from killing Esme. The abrupt stop of his mate's heart brought him out of his anger. 

"Severus?! What's going on? I thought he said he couldn't die. He mastered the Hallows. He shouldn't be able to die!" Edward yelled. He knew what was happening though. His mate was dead. 

"Severus looked devastated. Edward could see his eyes well with tears. "His magic. It was drained and his body couldn't deal with the loss." He didn't understand why the Hallows weren't working. Maybe it took time, but could they waste the time? What if they waited and Edward couldn't try and turn Orion because the window had passed?

Edward immediately raced forward and bit his mate anywhere he could. He tried to get his venom through his system as an act of desperation. "Keep going Edward. It might work," Severus encouraged. 

Edward stood back, blood racing down his chin, hoping his mate would show a reaction. When nothing happened, he lost his senses. His mate was gone.  He was going to kill Esme. Without a word, he ran faster than he ever had with killing Esme on his mind. 

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