Pieces of the Puzzle

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A/N: I want to clarify that in the previous chapter when the glamour came undone, he didn't know about it before. But because his magic is so strong it broke the glamour. He could feel his height changing and his magic reacting to his eyes.

When Orion entered the room of requirement, he didn't know what to expect. He thought that with everything he learned about Dumbledore it couldn't get much worse. He forgot to get his other statements from Gringotts and didn't have more than suspicion that Dumbledore was the one giving his "friends" access to his vaults. Clearing his thoughts, he put his attention to the man before him.

"Dad?" Orion asked in a small voice. He looked the same as he did since the last time Orion saw him. His black hair looked greasy and messy. He cheeks looked hollow and he was still so unhealthily thin. He was in the corner of the room with his head in his hands. He didn't seem to have heard Orion.

When Orion started to walk towards his dad, Snape put a hand on his arm. "Careful Potter. We don't know how he will react if we get too close to him."

Orion pulled his arm out of Snape's reach. "He's not a rabid animal Snape. And its Potter-Black," he exclaimed exasperatedly. Once the last part of his sentence was uttered, he saw his dad's head snap up. His gray eyes were dull but he saw a hint of a spark in them. Surprise. Love. There. He had confirmation that his dad knew who he was. Orion took shaky steps towards his dad and stopped once he was about 2 feet away. Orion fell to his knees and tried not to cry at the slight fear that was coming off of his dad.

His dad's grey eyes were glossy and he closed his eyes tightly. "Not real. He's not real. It's another trick," he muttered.

If Orion wasn't as close as he was, he wouldn't have heard a word. "No dad. It's really me. I just went to Gringotts and read dad's letter. I'm so sorry. If I had known you were alive, I would've come a lot sooner. Dumbledore and the order told me you were dead and I was too consumed in my grief to notice anything suspicious and-" Orion was babbling until he felt the rage pouring off of his dad. That's where I get it from he thought to himself. 

"That bastard,' his dad chocked out, 'Is the reason why I'm in here!" Orion's mouth had dropped open. Even though he suspected it he didn't want it to be true. From the surprise coming off of Snape, he didn't know either.

"What do you mean?" Orion eventually asked. He didn't know if he was ready to hear the answer, but steeled himself anyways.

"After I fell into the veil, I remembered everything. It seemed that the veil couldn't take my soul and instead returned me and that included my memories. When I woke up, I was in this room. Dumbledore was in here along with Molly Weasley,' at this point he reached out to give Orion's hand a squeeze, 'Dumbledore then said that there was no point in erasing my memory since no one could find me in here. I can't believe that bastard knew I was innocent and kept me in Azkaban so I wouldn't raise you. I failed James. I failed you."

Orion didn't hesitate to reach out and give him a hug. For a moment his dad stiffened, but then relaxed once he was reassured it was indeed his son. "You didn't fail us. There was no way you could've known what was going on before you remembered. None of this is your fault. It's Dumbledore's and anyone else that followed him. They're going to pay for what they did to you dad. I promise."

Once he was calm, his dad pulled away from him and gave him an intense look. "You look exactly like James, except for your eyes and your height. Merlin, I'm so sorry Har- Orion."

Orion gave him a stern look. "Stop dad. It's not your fault. It's Dumbledore's.' He stopped talking to turn to Snape. 'Kind of suspicious that he chose to die before any of this could come to light."

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