His Demise

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His question had caused a few laughs to go around. Severus and Edward had been put through the ringer and Orion can still sense it. Can still feel the leftover guilt, pain, anger, and fear. Lots of fear.

Jasper leaned forward, his right hand clasped with Draco's left. "What do you remember?"

Orion thought about it. "I remember going to the Cullen's house and it goes fuzzy after that."

Those who were there shared uneasy looks. It bothered Orion and demanded they tell him what happened. The one to break was Draco. "When it weas brought up that Alice will die when Aro does, Rosalie and Esme did not react well. Carlisle didn't either."

Edward stiffened and small growls were escaping his lips. Orion glanced at his mate and bit his lip. "Rosalie attacked me didn't she?"

He was relieved when he saw them shake their heads, but it didn't last long when Jasper said Esme's name.

Orion's mouth dropped wide open. Thinking he heard it wrong, he asked them to repeat it.

"Esme was the one who killed you," Edward deadpanned. He tightened his hold on his mate and son. He could still feel the pain in his chest and he still wanted nothing more than to kill Esme.

Orion was just in shock. He never thought she would ever be capable of something like that. It's just too unbelievable. "Maybe she didn't know what she was doing, Ed. She doesn't seem to have too much control over her gift."

Orion regretted the words, once he felt Edward's anger. He pushed as much love as he could into their bond, to calm him down. He didn't want him to yell while he was holding Teddy. Teddy had been through enough that night. "I'm just saying that I have never felt anything negative from Esme when I was around her."

Orion ignored everyone while he plead with Edward. Edward what's wrong? I know how angry you are but I don't understand most of it. Did something happen to make you think she hurt me on purpose?

Why was Ed feeling so conflicted? What is he hiding?

"Did you know she would hurt me?" Orion whispered.

Edward shook his head. "No not before. But when she was...suffocating you, she didn't try to stop herself. There was a moment where she hesitated, but she couldn't stop think about how her family was torn apart."

Sirius looked at his son in concern. This wouldn't help his son's recovery. He's afraid that another betrayal might set him over the edge.

Orion didn't say anything. Although he was absolutely fuming inside, he kissed his son on the cheek. There was no way he would let this anger get the best of him. He wouldn't let the rage consume him. Orion has too much to lose and he wasn't willing to chance it.

Orion took a deep breath and tried to control his magic. It's almost acting as if it has a life of its own. It wants to see revenge. It wants to destroy what hurt him. Everyone except Jasper and Edward were ignorant to how close he was to losing it.

Edward didn't say anything. He just pushed all the love he had for Orion through their bond. That's all that was needed really. Orion just needed the support. The comfort of his mate so that he didn't lose himself. Yes, he knows he shouldn't be dependent, but isn't that the point of a relationship? To depend on each other when one or both of them need it?

To distract himself, Orion started to think about what his and Edward's future kids will look like. Will they have his eyes? Or even Edwards? Will they get the Potter hair? He smiled at the images that were invading his mind and he was thoroughly distracted. It seemed Edward was also distracted as his desire was rising. Just the thought had his growling possessively.

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