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DISCLAIMER- I do not own the characters from Harry Potter or Twilight. They all belong to J.K. Rowling and Stephanie Meyer. Some of the plot also belongs to these authors.

Harry Potter woke up to someone shining a light into his eyes. He groaned before trying to sit up. "Easy Mr. Potter-Black. You hit the ground pretty hard."

Mr. Potter-Black? Wha--? Harry's eyes widened. Wait, his name isn't even Harry it's Orion. He didn't know whether or not he wanted to go by his true name or not. Pushing those thoughts away he sat up. "So, is the letter true Griphook? Is Sirius my father and James carried me?" he asked desperately.

Looking uncomfortable Griphook replied, "Yes. The parchment is dipped in veritaserum. James couldn't tell anything but the truth."

"Can you take me to my vault with my dad's belongings? I wish to remove some. Also, I know that Hermione, Ron, and Ginny have been removing galleons from my vaults. I wish to see it all paid back no matter what. If there are any problems contact me directly," Harry said with authority.

Griphook grinned evilly. Theft was very much not appreciated and Griphook would make sure every galleon is paid back in full. "As you wish Mr. Potter-Black. I will take you to the main Potter Vault."

As Griphook led Harry down to his vault, he couldn't help the guilt that rose up in him. Sirius was his father. He was his own flesh and blood and he killed him. Not directly no, but close enough. If Harry hadn't been stupid Sirius wouldn't have been there in the first place. Feeling the cart stop, he shook his head and walked toward the door. "Thank you Griphook," Harry said sincerely.

Griphook nodded and left. Harry stood there for 2 minutes just staring at the vault. It's now or never he thought. He pushed open the door, it had been unlocked by Griphook, and entered. He couldn't believe his eyes. Mounts of galleons, sickles, and knuts crowded the vault. His vibrant green eyes were wide with disbelief. He couldn't believe he had all this money and he dressed in Dudley's hand me downs. He walked further into the vault and stopped in his tracks. There along the back wall were his father's belongings. This time Harry didn't hesitate to go over. He went to the first box that was locked. It was a gorgeous silver box with green trimmings along the side. He was confused because it was Slytherin colors but he continued to inspect it. Right in the center of the top was were two wands crossed over each other with a raven in the middle. Is this the Potter-Black symbol? Harry thought. He hoped it was. He looked all over the box and couldn't find a key hole. No one would know that this is the Potter-Black sigil, so maybe he was the only one that could open it. But how? Would his parents use something that was simple? They were young when they made this box so maybe it's.......

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," Harry whispered. The top of the box popped open and inside were pictures. If he didn't believe his dad carried him before he did now. The first picture was of his dad who looked about 6 months pregnant. He was dressed in sweats and a plain black t-shirt. The shirt was tight around his stomach and he was holding it with a prideful expression. Harry teared up at the love in his father's hazel eyes. Standing next to his dad was Sirius, his other dad. His eyes also showed love when he looked at James' stomach. The picture was moving and Sirius' hand was resting on his husband's waist. Harry was freely crying now. He was obviously loved so much. He was devastated that he could've had a family who loved him instead of "family" who wanted to beat the magic out of him. Setting the picture aside, he looked at another photo. This one was of his two dads and Lily. James and Sirius held on to each other while Lily played with a young Harry. As Harry looked at this photo, he couldn't but feel love and respect for Lily. She may not have been the one to carry him, but she gave her life so he could live his. Harry was still crying. He cried for James, the father who would've loved him unconditionally. He cried for Sirius, the dad who would've raised and loved him. He cried for Lily, the woman who loved him enough to give her life for him.

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