The Aftermath

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The cleanup took longer than expected. Surprisingly, the vampires with the gifts were relieved. Most of them took off to their original covens and wanted nothing to do with the Volturi. The ones who stayed were Jane, Alec, Afton and Renata. Caius was furious and had attacked Alec. That was the biggest mistake he could've made because Jane was furious. She had made him submit to her before she ripped him apart and set him alight.

Marcus was reluctant to be the new leader, but Orion could feel determination. He feels like he's going to have to check in from time to time to make sure things are going well. Marcus has been in a depression for so long that Orion is worried.  The amount of distress he's in is..... bad. Who can blame him though? He's spent centuries think Didyme was his mate, but finds out that she isn't. He's spent so long suffering that finding his true mate might not even help him. Maybe they can create a council that will keep an eye on what is going on. People who actually want to help and who are not corrupted. Orion didn't care too much but he has some empathy now that he's a vampire.

Orion would have to get in touch with their sister coven that Edward had told him about. From what he's heard about them, there are a few that would be perfect for the council.

Orion rubbed at his throat. He has been here for only a few hours but he could already feel the hunger. Trying to shake it off, he turned his attention to Marcus. "We'll do what we can to help you, but you're the new leader. I'll have Edward get in touch with you about getting people on the council."

Marcus nodded. He still looked sad and stoic, but Orion could feel the hope building. Orion went over to Jasper and Emmett. "Are you two ready?"

Jasper nodded. "I think we've been away from our mates long enough."

Orion smiled, but it was strained when he saw how Emmett was looking at him. "Not now Emmett. We can talk about it later. Or tomorrow. I just want to go home and see my son and mate."

Emmett frowned but nodded. Orion was glad he didn't say anything. He bet that Alice was dead and he wanted to keep his distance from some of the Cullens. It really scared him that even being the Master of Death didn't save him. It might've but by then it would have been too late.

They port keyed back to Orion's and found Edward outside waiting. Orion ran straight to Edward and knocked him off his feet. "It's over."

He felt Edward hug him tightly. Orion also felt the relief. That was one issue dealt with and Orion wasn't looking forward to dealing with the next. He had an idea on what to do and he hoped Edward wouldn't disagree with him. "I need to hunt Ed. I want to feed before I see Teddy."

Edward nodded and for the next 30 minutes they hunted in silence. It wasn't an awkward one, it was mostly contemplative. Orion was thinking on how to approach Edward with his idea. He knew how angry his mate was at Esme and demanded that she pay for what she did. It didn't matter to him that he's alive. Well, kinda. All that mattered was that his adoptive mother killed his mate.

Orion was going to wait until the next day to say anything. He wanted to bask in the temporary peace they had with Aro gone. Everything can wait until tomorrow. Or at least as long as he can get away with. After all, it's not like he needs to sleep anymore. He couldn't bring himself to mourn his humanity because he was already immortal. This just gave him extra unwanted abilities.

Orion tried to get rid of those unwanted thoughts. He smiled at Edward's gesture for him to come closer. Their bond was getting stronger and Orion couldn't be happier.

"I love you," Orion said to Edward. He knew he had hearts in his eyes and didn't care.

Edward grabbed Orion's chin and pulled him into a deep kiss. Orion's hands went around his neck and softly moaned. It was overwhelming to feel both of their desire, but it didn't make it any less pleasurable. As the kiss went on, Orion pushed Edward to the ground and straddled his waist. Before they could get too far, Orion's phone rang.

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