More Truths

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait! College is stressful and time consuming even if it's half online and half in person. Thank you for all of your comments on what I should do. Enjoy this update💚
The next morning, Orion decided that before he went to school, he would read the letter. He doesn't even know who it's from.

Going to the dresser, he pulled out the letter. Seeing the L on the back of it, he smiled. Orion saw that it was the Longbottom seal. He opened the letter and began to read his friends scratchy handwriting.

How are you? Are you doing alright? I heard about everything that happened and I'm sorry I didn't check on you. I know that you wouldn't want to be surrounded by people. How is Sirius? I was told that he's your birth dad. Merlin Orion, it's always you isn't? Anyway I'm glad that you're getting the chance to have a true family.
Luna misses you but of course she knows that you're alright. She advised me not to send you a letter so soon but you know me! What Ginny, Molly, and Hermione has done to you and Ron is sick. I'm just that that the twinkle eyed bastard isn't rotting for all the bloody damage he has caused. I know you and I know it's most likely tearing you up. I hope you're doing alright Harry. Is it alright if Luna and I visit soon? Please write back.
Neville Longbottom

Orion started to tear up. How could I forget about Neville and Luna? He questioned himself. He felt some shame that he forgot the two people that stood by him no matter what. He wiped his eyes and began writing back. Even with the drama happening here, he agreed for them to come the next week. (Not sure what day it is so I'm making it up) Today is Friday, so it gives him a week to try and get things in order. Once he finished his letter, he rushed past his father to send.

Sirius was surprised to see Orion rushing towards their owl, named Nyx, to send a letter. Their owl was a beautiful black and was a sassy little thing.

"Who are you sending a letter to pup?"

Orion gave the letter to Nyx before turning to his dad. "Neville. I told him that he and Luna can come next week," Orion smiled.

Sirius was happy to see his son smile. He didn't think that Orion would be okay with someone from the Wizarding World coming here. Hell, he was barely okay with Severus visiting.

"That's great! I haven't seen them in forever! Oh! By the way, Severus is coming later today," he told Orion. As he suspected, Orion tensed slightly. But to his surprised, the tension dropped and he smiled.

Orion was glad Severus was coming. It gave him the perfect chance to ask him to make the potions. Also, he missed the snarky man. Orion was wary of him because Severus reminded him of all the damage that has been done to him. After finding his soulmate, he feels that he can heal and start new relationships. Besides, Orion wasn't stupid. He knows that Severus and his father have a thing going on.

"That's great! I have a couple favors to ask him."

His father raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What favors?" He asked while sitting at the kitchen table.

Orion to sat down and began digging into his breakfast. Swallowing a bite, he responded. "Vampire pregnancy potions and Veritaserum."

Sirius couldn't hide his surprise. "I understand the pregnancy potions but why the truth serum?"

"From what I could feel from Ed, they didn't get much out of Alice. Ed was angry and frustrated all night. Actually, he still is," Orion explained.

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