Your My Eye

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"Help me!" Shen Wei cried in the pit of darkness. As he right eyes can't see while his other foot was hit by rocks.

This is a nightmare he did want to wake up too. Darkness surrounded him as he shiver in the coldness of the night. As he remembered they're in a highschool reunion party having fun.

In The Last Few Minutes Before The Tragedy Came

Shen Wei a twenty eight year old professor of bio engineering. The most successful among his peers. Everybody welcomes him and girls and guys surrounded him. Congratulating him of his successful in his life. Even his grumpy highschool teacher came just to see him.

   When out of nowhere a motor biker delivery man came

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When out of nowhere a motor biker delivery man came. Zhao Yunlan one of Shen Wei's once classmate. A trouble maker and a dropout. His father became sick well no one knows about this. As they thought he didn't like school. And take over their small family business delivering barbeque chicken to everydoor step.

    Da quing  one of his bestfriend  welcome him

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Da quing one of his bestfriend welcome him. "Yunlan! It's been ten or fifteen years we didn't meet!" As he hugged his friend but suddenly pushed him lightly because of his smell. Yunlan took off his helmet revealing his handsomeness and wink to Da quing. "You too fatty you haven't change!" As he smile. Da quing is the only one who knows his secret.

On why Yunlan is in the reunion eventhough his looking like a mess and his old classmates will taunted or take pity him in his state. Because he want to see his first love Shen Wei. No one knows his gay for him or more bully will come to him. Da quing tried to straighten him up and put some perfume in him.

"We can have a reunion with our old friends! Why here?! You will see Zhuiji's gang again! And believe me his gonna bully you again!" While Da quing warns him, his eyes never left Shen Wei. "His still beautiful like the old days when they're at highschool.

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   Then unexpected thing happened  Shen Wei  gaze upon him

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Then unexpected thing happened Shen Wei gaze upon him. Is he dreaming? But then a beautiful woman appeared behind him. It's Shen Wei highschool sweetheart Wang who wave at him. Yunlan's heart is broken again as they know they're an item in highschool. And now they meet again. "Sorry chum! Maybe it's time to move on." Said Da quing as he pat his shoulder. While Wang sit beside Shen Wei and flirt with him.

Yunlan and Da quing about to sit with their classmate as Zhuiji and his friends came. "Hey! Zhao! What are you doing here?! Are you delivering food for us?!" As they all laugh. "Zhuiji! Stop bullying Yunlan!" Said Shen Wei as he stand up. "Come on I'm just joking here former class president! We know all of us are successful!" As he smirk to Yunlan, "Right?" He mockingly look at him.

"Don't worry I'll leave! I understand!" As Yunlan bow to them and walk out. Da quing frown at Zhuiji before following his friend. Shen Wei want to stop Yunlan but Wang hold his arm. "Don't mind them you know Zhuiji?"

With heavy heart Yunlan wear his helmet and about to leave. "Hey pal! I'm going with you! I don't like them anyway!" As Da quing rode at the back of the motorbike and they speed away. As they're farther away from the school a meteor shower came shocking Yunlan and Da quing.

When one of the rocks almost hit them. Da quing scream as he saw a bolder big rock hit the school. Yunlan want to look behind but his trying his best to evade many small rocks coming at them as they slide to a nearby tree and black out.

End Of What Tragedy Happened

Zhao Yunlan woke up with Da quing. "Chum! What happened?!" He ask. As Yunlan stand up all the house turn into ashes. He suddenly remembered Shen Wei and the others. "Da quing! Call 911! I must go back to school to see if anyone survive! I'll call you!" Da quing about to protest on how he will call even the line lines are down.

Yunlan ride his motorbike fast back to his old school only to see it's ruined. The school crumbled but Yunlan didn't loose hope until he heard a familiar voice crying for help. He rush toward it just to see Shen Wei state as well his other classmates. "It's a miracle!" He almost shout as seeing Shen Wei is the only one alive from the incident.

He didn't know how he lift a big boulder to get Shen Wei's foot out of it. "Whose there?!" As Shen Wei felt someone helping him. "It's me Yunlan! Wei!" As he help him up to get out from the rubbled rocks. And wipe some blood out of him. "Yunlan.....Yunlan you came back! I thought I'm a gonner?! What happened?! Is it an earthquake or something?!" As Shen Wei babling himself up.

Yunlan suddenly gave him a kiss on his soft, pink lips startling him. "Xiao Wei! I thought I lost you when those rocks fall down from the sky!" And embrace Shen Wei while crying. Whose too weak to resist him and still shocked on what happened.

"Yunlan? Why did you kiss me?" He ask. That made Yunlan red as he realize what he have done. And quickly wipe his tears. "Sorry! I......I.....just got......." When he notice Shen Wei right eye and foot. "Your hurt!" He quickly teared his shirt and wound it around Shen Wei's eye. As well his foot.

Unknown to him Shen Wei smile while he is taking care of him. "Your still the old Yunlan I know!" He said to himself. But suddenly he remembered their classmates and teacher as he ask him of them. Yunlan look down, "They're all gone! Your the only one survive!" Shen Wei can't believe what happened as he cried for them.

Yunlan comfort Shen Wei by hugging him and rubbing his back. "Don't worry I'm here for you! As long I'm breathing no one will harm you!" While he unconciously wiping his tears on his beautiful, doe eye.

"Yunlan why are you being so nice to me when our classmates taunted you?" Shen Wei ask. Yunlan without thinking kiss him again.

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