Lovely Moment

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Because of their bravery in saving the town, Shen Wei, Yunlan and the others where given a little land and a house.

They are now residents of Chu small community. Well all of them where compact in one land because the town is only small. "This will not do! How can we all occupied just a small land?!" Said one of Sang's man. "Stop whinning! Chief Chu can't give us the land outside the village because there still infected there!"

Da quing nod, "Fen Ming and the army are still rounding up the infected people to be treated! So if I were you my friend I won't go out without the protection of the army! And your lucky were still alive!" Yunlan want to talk when Shen put an cold compress on his butt. Well because of his struggling last time. Dr. Lin Jing accidentally inject the syrum at his back. Making him howl in pain.

"I'm sorry Ah Lan!" And kiss his cheek. "I'm still not talking to you! You betray me!" While pouting cutely to him. Shen Wei kiss him again forgetting they have people in the house. "I can't take their sweetness anymore!" As the men of Sang left the house. Da quing shrugged as Sang roll his eyes. "Hey! Would you two stop your sweetness! Were vomiting candies here!!!" Tease Da quing. Yunlan thrown a pillow at his face.

Meanwhile at Chu's house, Chu, Brigadier General Feng and the other officials have a meeting. "Thanks to Dr. Lin Jing discovery we can save humanity!" But one of them disagree, "Have you forgotten the meteors? We still can't get it because not only human were effected but animals too!

They're mutated into a monsters that we never seen before!" Chu was curious because he only seen infected human not animals and ask. "They become big and hideous more dangerous than the infected! A team was once sent there to gathered the rocks of the meteor but they were confronted by a mutated, big frog!!!" Chu widen his eyes.

"What happened did they got the rocks?" One of the officer shake his head and gave the footage of what happened. The men shoot the frog but it didn't effect it and with it's stick tongue it swallowed them all. Chu was disgusted on what happened. "That's not all we try again retrieving it with our tanks! But a big mole came crashing it! And ate my men!!!" Brigadier General Feng pound his fist on the table.

Meanwhile as the couple was left at the house Yunlan jump his chance on being alone with his lover. "Xiao lips hurt!" While batting his eyes on him. Shen Wei blushed but he look first if all their companions left. As he start to kiss Yunlan's plump lips.

Suddenly Yunlan flipped him on the bed pinning him up. "Ah Lan! Some one might see us!" As he tried to get him off. But Yunlan didn't yield instead grind his prize to him. Making a friction. "Noooo......stop...." Shen Wei started to moan. While Yunlan start kissing his neck and pushing his shirt up to get those pink, nipples that he wanted to suck and lick it.

Shen Wei went red and tried to stop his moaning. But what Yunlan doing to his body is starting to heat up. As he can't control his body anymore and started to arch for more. Yunlan smirk seeing Shen Wei surrender himself to him. As he finished tasting that sweet buds he crawl down to unzip Shen Wei 's prize.

It sprang as he opened it making Yunlan lick his lips, "Your quite excited Xiao Wei!" Shen Wei went redder than before and tried to look down to see his lover's mischievously smile. But as Yunlan started to taste that delicious wand. Shen Wei can't help to close his eyes as he trash his head. Feeling that sinful tounge licking and sucking him up. "Aaaaah.....La....."

He gasp as he felt Yunlan swallowed him whole like. Hearing and feeling Yunlan is tasting and sucking him whole like a lollipop. He burst suddenly as he scream his name with a tears in his eyes. As Yunlan swallowed it all he wipe his lips with his hands, "Xiao Wei.....your so delicious!"

Within a second Shen Wei is at his back. As his two round, pale butt is high enough. Yunlan thrust himself to him earning another sweet scream and moan. The bed kept shaking as two people in heat became one. Shen Wei clutching the sheet underneath him as he control himself his scream. But how can he Yunlan rocking his body inside of him while his other hand squeezing his prize non stop.

Shen Wei's brain almost explode in pleasure as Yunlan spilled inside of him. "More....." Did he said that. "Why not my beautiful angel!" As Yunlan phase became fast. Shen Wei seeing stars as Yunlan burst inside of him again. Still not yet satisfied he want another round and flipped again Shen Wei as he want to see how beautiful his reaction be. When he was taken again and again. While Yunlan spilled inside of him.

As Yunlan taken himself out, both were exhausted and sticky from the love making they have. "Maybe we need to take a bath before they came?" Shen Wei giggled and snuggled to Yunlan's embrace. But it only made Yunlan started to kiss him once more. "Ah! Xiao Wei! I can't get enough of you!" Shen Wei tried to stop him but Yunlan spread his long, slender legs again.

Outside Dr. Lin Jing and Chu came and wanted to talk to Yunlan as he heard one of the rock of the meteor is near his hometown. Da quing and Sang stop them. "Don't go in there you might get sick on what you see!" Da quing warn them.

Chu chuckled I know that my dear friend! I have a sweet wife at home and were doing that every time all around the house. All are shocked.

Meanwhile back to Chu's house, Guo sneeze. "Oh no! My sweet husband is telling our story to other people again!" As he sigh.

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