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While Dr. Lin Jing and Nurse Li Quian was busy preparing some medicines and food supplies. Suddenly renegades with guns came barging in.

Demanding medicine and foods while pointing a guns on them. As their other comrades look at the other room and found Shen Wei and Yunlan wrapped in each other's arms. "What do we have here?!" Sang one of the men found them.

Yunlan and Shen Wei was brought to the leader, both are shocked to see Wang. "Wei!!!" She scream and hugged him. "What happened to your right eye and foot?" While caressing his face. Yunlan frown as well Sang seeing the two reunite. "Wang I thought you died?" Shen Wei ask. "No! I have escape through a tunnel!" As Wang about to continue to talk Sang interfered. "Wang whose he?!" He angrily look at Shen Wei.

Wang defend Shen Wei, "His my ex boyfriend! Why?!" She frown back at Sang who sink back. The men laugh at him. "Our boss sure show him!" Both Yunlan and Shen Wei widen their eyes. "DON'T TELL US YOUR THEIR LEADER?!!!" Wang nod and hugged Shen Wei tightly.

"Wang his a disabled fag! We saw him hugging this man!" As Sang shoved Yunlan. "You must be mistaken?! Shen Wei is my ex boyfriend so I know it!" Sang ask what will they do to Yunlan? If he will be kill or not? Wang suggest he will be spare because he is her old classmate. "Just throw him with the other prisoners!" She suggested and her attention fall back to Shen Wei.

Shen Wei want to protest but swallowed hard as he saw Wang loaded her shot gun. "When did you learn to use a gun?" He ask while sweating. "My dear poor Wei! When you left Dragon City I was devasted and heart broken! Because of that I turn to my hobby in how to use a gun instead of knitting! But as you see it's very useful to know how to use it this day! No one will stand in our way!" As she pulled Shen Wei to him and kiss him.

The two men want to protest as they're becoming jealously red one is Yunlan while the other is Sang. Unknown to them Da quing hide in one of thd room as the rukus happened.

They were taken to the camp of Wang. Yunlan was imprisoned with Dr. Lin Jing and Nurse Li Quian with the other prisoners. "How the heck Wang escape from the meteors?!" As Yunlan think. He look helplessly seeing Wang taking advantage of Shen Wei by kissing and embracing him. He must think of something quickly before his lover will be eaten by that amazon woman.

Da quing sneak pass their ward. "Pssst....Yunlan! I'm here!!!" Yunlan eyes shine, "Da! Help us to get out of here!!!" Whispered Yunlan. "We will wait until all of them fall asleep!" But Yunlan shake his head, "My Xiao Wei is being eaten by that woman! Please let us out here quickly! Or it will be too late!!!" Da quing use a pin he saw on the way to unlock the cell of the prisoners.

While everyone is enjoy the drinks and singing. They never knew the prisoners are escaping. Well not all Yunlan, Da quing, Dr. Lin Jing and Nurse Li Quian must rescue Shen Wei and the medicines.

Yunlan and the others tried to find Shen Wei and the medicines in the tents. And split up to find it. Yunlan and Da quing was shocked seeing Shen Wei splayed naked and tied up on the bed. "Don't look!" Said Yunlan and pushed Da quing out while Yunlan help Shen Wei out of the rope. "I can't believe Wang do this to me! She's a shy and timid girl back then! But now!" As Shen Wei cried on his shoulder.

Yunlan swallowed hard as Shen Wei's naked body press unto him. He cough and help him to get dress before Wang come back. "We need to leave now. As he carried Shen Wei on his back to escape. But they didn't expect bumping into Sang who frown at Shen Wei. They were surprised as Sang let them go.

They thank him, "Just promise me that I won't see him again!" As he pointing to Shen Wei. "I PROMISE!" Said Yunlan as they left quickly with Da quing and the others.

When Wang came back to her tent she scream, "WHERE IS MY WEI?!!!" She fire her shot gun into the air allerting everyone. "Find my Wei wei quickly!!!" All her men scattered in panic in finding him. Well not all, Sang was happy Shen Wei is gone. Now he can have Wang all to himself.

Sang gave the key to one of his jeep to Yunlan so they can escape fast. Luckily they weren't caught by Wang's men. As they hide in one of the bushes. When Wang's men came. As they pass by, Yunlan start the jeep again and gone to the opposite direction.

When they came to a safe place, "Where you two will be going?" Ask Yunlan to Dr. Lin Jing and Nurse Li Quian. "We are needed in a distance town! How about you three?" He ask. "I must go back home to check if my father is alright!" As the two team split up and be on their way.

While in the jeep Shen Wei dooze off on Yunlan's shoulder. Because of the exhausting thing happened to them. Yunlan pulled him to lean more on his chest. "My angel I have you back!" While his arm wound around Shen Wei's shoulder. As he kiss his head. Meanwhile Da quing fell asleep at the back and now snoring.

In a minute they came to Yunlan house. Yunlan was glad seeing his house is not totally wreck by the meteors. When suddenly his father emerge outside. He quickly get off the jeep and run toward him.

Shen Wei woke up seeing Yunlan run to his father. Shen Wei swallowed hard, "Would he like me?" He wonder. "Yes don't worry! Yunlan have already told his father what is his preference and that is you!" Said Da quing. Shen Wei was surprised, "You mean Ah Lan have been telling to his father that he like me for years?"

When Yunlan suddenly open the door for him and help him get off the jeep. He introduce him to his father. "So your the one that caught my boy's heart? Professor Shen Wei!" Shen Wei bow. "Yes! Shu shu!" Xin ci chuckled, "Don't call me shu shu! Call me Dad!" That made Shen Wei a bit surprised and red.

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