We Will Fight For Our Home

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Chu run after his wife but Da quing grabbed to stop him. "If you run toward the infected they will eat you alive!" Shout Da quing.

Guo on the other hand trying to out run the other infected he almost fail as one of them hold his foot making him stumble and fall. And when that infected soldier is upon him someone shot a bullet in it's head. Sang still station outside and saw what happened. "RUN FAST!!!" He shout. Guo nod and with all force stand up as he headed toward where Yunlan and Shen Wei are.

As he knows whose that patient he need to make it human.

Meanwhile Shen Wei woke up seeing Yunlan fighting Dr. Din Dong. Suddenly when Dr. Din Dong shoved Yunlan, he took a syringe inside his pocket and injected something in himself. He smirk and growl making the froozen infected soldiers move again.

"No!!! Yunlan will be in trouble!" He jump at him from behind and teared his dangling arm. Dr. Din Dong scream in agony. But his other hand grabbed Shen Wei by the head and thrown him at the ground by force. Yunlan seeing this anger him a lot and about to dash toward Dr. Din Dong. But the infected soldiers held him once again.

"You think your the alpha here?!" He grabbed again Shen Wei's bloody head making Yunlan seen it. "I almost think this beauty is the alpha?" As he lick his face. Yunlan was so furious his touching Shen Wei right infront of him. He want to grabbed and tear him into pieces but the infected soldiers still holding him.

"Do you want to know what I have done?! I made a syrum that much more powerful than the alpha like you!!!! Even the inforces you called will bow down to their knee infront of me! Because I'm the true Alpha! Me!!! Not you and not even this beauty here!!!" He suddenly growl loud making all the infected to do as he command.

They suddenly continue to attack the town. Sang and the other continue to shoot and fight. But they're running out of bullets. Chu and the other braise themselves on the hoard of infected coming their way.

Meanwhile Guo have reach his destination. Seeing the scene happening he sneak behind the doctor and grabbed him by the neck and pierce the syringe on him. But before he can inject it the doctor dropped Shen Wei and grabbed Guo by the head and thrown him as well. "NO ONE CAN STOP ME!!! I'M THE ALPHA HERE!!! I'M A god!!!"

Chu, Da quing and the town's men are retreating as the infected becoming aggressive. "Guo! Where are you sweety! I might not see you again?!" Chu told himself as he saw one by one his men being eaten by the infected. While he still fighting them. Up in a tree Da quing was being shaken off, "Help here!!!" While throwing branches at the infected whose trying to reach him. He also run out of bullets
"Shu....shu!!!! Yunlan!!! Help me!!!"

Yunlan on the other hand was struggling to get his arms off from the two infected soldiers. When Dr. Din Dong about to strangled him. Shen Wei woke up and injected the syringe on his neck. Making him scream as he can't breath. All the infected stop again while the two infected soldiers let go of Yunlan as they're quite confuse on what's happening.

In a minute Dr. Din Dong became human, "What?!!! No!!! What's happening to me?!!!" The arm that Shen Wei teared off bleed. Making the infected go wild as they smell blood. Dr. Din Dong tried to flee but he was gang up by the infected and being eaten. He scream for help but no one hid his call. For his colleagues are afraid to come out of the truck because the infected might eat them.

Yunlan and Shen Wei help Guo to get up and run back to the town when an infected soldiers surrounded them. Yunlan use his power again to try to control them. When out of nowhere the armies of Fen Ming came and almost wiping out all the infected with their machine guns. Brigadier General Feng came with the other officials to help out. As they gun down every infected people.

Chu and others was relief that they are save. As all the soldiers wipe out the infected. In the infirmary Zhu Hong and Li Quian with Dr. Lin Jing were fighting some infected people when the soldiers came and rescue them.

They wave their hands seeing their friends safe and sound. Chu run quickly at the gate seeing his wife being help out by Shen Wei and Yunlan. "My honey!!! You came back to me!!!" And carried Guo into his arms. " The formula work Dr. Lin Jing! Dr. Din Dong became human again! But unlucky for him he was wounded. When the infected smell his blood he was eaten by them!" Said Yunlan.

"Don't worry about the syrum! I can still make that! But first we need some sample blood again." As he pulled Yunlan to the infirmary making Shen Wei and Guo followed. "Does this mean were going to be human again?!" Ask Yunlan to Dr. Lin Jing.

"Yes! And all of the infected human will be back to normal!" First they tested the blood of Ynlsn with the syrum. The vaccine qickly defeated the blood of an infected. Then they try it to Shen Wei as Yunlan wanted him to became the first become normal again. In a few days and so they tested him and the result they quickly got it because the military is aiding Dr. Lin Jing in his work. Dr. Lou Fei and his colleagues were force to work with him.

To ammendment on what they done to the soldiers and to the villagers. "Shen Wei! The result is good your becoming a human again!" That made Shen Wei smile back to Yunlan. "But still we need to check you again from time to time."
As Dr. Lin Jing look at Yunlan and Guo. "So you two are next!"

Yunlan swallowed hard seeing the big needle. "Yes! I can do it!" But when Dr. Lin Jing about to inject it he scream in pain. Making Shen Wei and the other startled. Guo want to back out but Chu hold him tightly. Dr. Lin Jing sweat. "Yunlan we still didn't inject you with the syringe!" Yunlan laugh hearing that. "Silly me!" And look at the escape door. He was about to escape from the injection when everyone hold him tight.

"Don't let go of him!!!" Shout Dr. Lin Jing. "Xiao Wei! How could you?!" He pout when he see Shen Wei is one of that pinning him on the couch. When the vaccine is been injected Yunlan scream again. That made Guo faint in Chu's arms.

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