Welcome To The Family

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Shen Wei never expect Xin ci welcome him with open arms. As he cling to him like a father in law to be.

"Marry my son and I 'm gonna cook a very delicious chicken for you everyday!!!" He said. "Dad! Don't scared Xiao Wei!" Yunlan pulled Shen Wei to him. "Your very possessive son!" As he wink. "Here you can stay in your room and refresh a bit! While I cook something delicious for all of you!"

But suddenly he cough making Yunlan worried. "Dad! You don't have too! Get some rest! I will entertain and cook for our visitor!" Shen Wei look worried on him. "My dad have an asthma and heart problem. He can't over work or he'll get sick again!"

Yunlan lead Shen Wei to a coach while he prepare to cook some food with Da quing. Shen Wei felt jealous again as Da quing is taking his place in helping Yunlan. His frown change when Yunlan came back and gave him some medicine for his foot and eye. He grabbed his wrist.

"Will you let Da quing do the work and sit with me?" Yunlan nod and sit with Shen Wei as he lean to him when he gave him some eye drop and bandage back his eye. "Are you alright?!" Shen Wei lean suddenly more to him. Making Yunlan embrace him. "What's the matter?" He ask while caressing his face.

"Nothing just tired!" While hugging him quickly into his arms. Yunlan help him up to put him into their bed. But when his about to leave Shen Wei pulled him into a kiss. "Ah Lan! I want you to make love to me! To forget what Wang have done to me! I felt so humiliated and defile!" As he cried in his arms.

Yunlan nod and understand his lover as he piled their clothes one by one and started to kiss one another.

Xin ci came humming in the kitchen where Da quing is cooking. "Wow! Shu shu your sure happy?" Ask Da quing. "Sure I am! Now I know Yunlan won't be lonely he will have Shen Wei on his side! Da quing promise me they will stay together eventhough I'm not here anymore! No matter what happened they must stay together! Huh?"

Da quing laugh, "Shu shu you have many years to come!" Xin ci shake, "When that meteors came I thought I'm a gonner! And I saw my late wife's soul! She told me she's waiting for me! I'm afraid to leave Yunlan alone." Da quing pointed up, "She's waiting up there?" As Da quing sweat. "Please Shushu don't frighten me!"

Shen Wei and Yunlan suddenly came to help Da quing in the kitchen. Breaking their talking. Yunlan made Shen Wei seat at the dinning table while he help Da quing. Xin ci sit beside Shen Wei and talk to him. When suddenly a knock on the door came. "Help! Please help!" Yunlan quickly open the door.

When Zhu Hong came and fall on his chest. Shen Wei frown seeing the situation. "Help us! My family is being attack by monsters!!!" She shout while gripping Yunlan's shirt. Zhu Hong one of Yunlan's far away neighbor.

"What monsters are you talking about?" He ask. When Da quing saw something outside the window. A deformed humans come running toward their house. "Yunlan! Lock the door!" Yunlan and Zhu Hong look puzzled on him. When Da quing shut the door quickly. Then suddenly something want to barge inside their house.

"Yunlan! Help me get something to block the door!!!" Shout Da quing as he saw many deformed humans barging in. Shen Wei cough seeing Zhu Hong still clinging to Yunlan who break his hold as he notice his angel is getting angry. He help Da quing block the door with chairs, tables and almost all the furniture inside his house. But things still want to get in.

Suddenly his father cough blood and look at Yunlan. "I think it also got me?" He chuckled. Yunlan was shocked. Xin ci's face changing into something. "Dad?!" Yunlan about to hold him. "Don't! I knew it will get to me! That meteors have somekind of virus! You all need to leave before I too change like them."

Yunlan shake his head and didn't want his father to be left in their house to defend from those creatures outside. "Shen Wei! Please tell to Yunlan that all of you should leave now! Before the virus gets all to you!" Shen Wei hold Yunlan's hand. "Ah Lan! His right! We need to leave now!"

With heavy heart Yunlan carried Shen Wei as Da quing open the back door to escape with Zhu Hong. "Shu shu goodluck!" As Da quing gave a broom to defend himself if the monters got in. Xin ci bid them farewell as he close the door forever.

Yunlan didn't notice his cute brown eyes started to cry while carrying Shen Wei farther away from his house. Shen Wei wipe his tears, "Ah Lan! I'm sorry about your dad! If we can only...." Yunlan cut his words. "We can't! But I hope mom will guard him." Da quing can't say what his Shu shu Xin ci told him. It will only break Yunlan's heart more that his father's life is ending.

As they gone farther away they heard the scream of his father that made Yunlan turned his head toward his house. And saw at the window the creatures got in, they left immediately before the humans monsters saw them.

When the early sun rise appear Yunlan and the other take a rest at the shade in one of the trees. Zhu Hong can't help to cry as her family is also gone. "What will happen to us?" She ask them. "First we need to find shelter and food!" Said Shen Wei as he notice Yunlan is spacing out as he remembered what happened to his father. Shen Wei will took the lead now as Yunlan is still mourning for his father.

Luckily Da quing saw a nearby town. "Maybe the people there will help us?! And we can tell them about the danger coming to them?"
Shen Wei took his walking stick and tap Yunlan's shoulder whose looking far away. "Ah Lan! We need to go now!" As he didn't response. He carefully knelt down and kiss Yunlan's plump lips.

Zhu Hong gasp and became red. Da quing on the other hand smirk. Yunlan's day dream break as he felt that soft, warm, pink lips kiss him. "Xiao Wei?!" He shout. "Ah Lan! Please come back to us! To me! We need you!"

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